NewsSeptember 28, 2017 11:30 AM ET16,831 views

Every Time I Die parts ways with drummer

Every Time I Die Every Time I Die has parted ways with drummer Daniel Davison, who joined the band in early 2015. ETID vocalist Keith Buckley announced Davison's recent departure during the band's show last night (September 27) in Portland, ME. Norma Jean drummer Clayton Holyoak is currently playing for ETID. He had this to say via Instagram:
"There have been a few people that have been curious as of what I've been up to musically lately. I Was in San Diego writing with some friends less than a week ago when I got a text. I finished the time we had writing and flew to buffalo to learn 17 songs in the 4 days I had before we left for tour. I know there's no footage of me but I swear I'm that little rocker in the back. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and cheered me a long the way! I really don't know how I would convince myself this was possible if it wasn't for you. @lexilazaro @dreudamn @johnaldfinn and my amazing mother that constantly reminds me that I can do anything. It's been a stressful past 5 days but this shit pays off! Keep following your dreams!"
[via ThePRP]


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anonymous 9/28/2017 8:35:51 AM

i bet he was writing with Tim Lambesis

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:44:45 AM

Hmm, is Clayton still a Christian because ETID is not a band I would want to be associated with as part of the most successful Christian metal band ever. He needs to search his heart after this initial honeymoon period.

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:44:59 AM

Clayton is a good dude/good drummer.

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:53:25 AM

Dont worship god, drummer dude.... worship shit bands, tattoos and the latest trends. A much more "modern" religion. Amen.

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:56:43 AM

What a gay band pic

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:58:48 AM

new drummer is from fear before the march of flames. the guy that just quit was from norma jean.

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:00:52 AM

okay he was also in norma jean. is that ETIDs B team?

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:16:02 AM

This band is like the same three dudes and ever rotating lineup of drummers and bassists.

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:16:23 AM

so is ETID ok to play at youth group now or are they still too secular?

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:30:06 AM

What ever happened to Fear before's first drummer Brandon Proff? Dude was a fcking beast

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:31:53 AM

Wow this band has never lost a drummer ever before. Earth shattering news.

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:41:48 AM

They picked on ratboy so much he left without even saying then join cute is what we aim for

anonymous 9/28/2017 9:46:46 AM

my neighbor's step-aunt pays for her AIDS meds in just 5 hours of clicking on the web every week. After that she makes $61 every extra hour on the internet . She has been fired from work for six months but last month her extra pay was $6347 just working on the internet for a few hours. visit here  ?????? .com?????

anonymous 9/28/2017 10:46:19 AM

"heard it was because his fists weren't crazy enough" - nap wheezy

anonymous 9/28/2017 10:59:14 AM

dude left to go try out for Tim Lambesis Anybody who is anybody wants that gig. I heard Billy Corgan was trying out

anonymous 9/28/2017 11:27:10 AM

^ Tim is def giving him a look. known metalcore guy from tier 2 mid 00s bands norma jean and etid. stiff competition though. francis mark put his hat in the ring and nailed those shadows are security cleans at his audition

anonymous 9/28/2017 11:29:14 AM

nobody cares about the drummer

anonymous 9/28/2017 12:56:56 PM

Cop'd a ETID shirt back in 2002 for free because I ran(best mosh) Tuffalo fest. Their lead guitarist a the time had the hottest GF, he was pretty hot too.

anonymous 9/28/2017 1:02:00 PM

I got ur toes in my sand while sum hoes play basketball. In the summer time is when I feel jolly yall. Food is on fire, boats are on fire. Take time off my serial slaughtering. I'm hear it's the weekend me and my friends blue skies seem to never end. As the mermaid waves me to c-m in, in the waves on my balls she's humpin. Smoke on my fat blunts as we have fun. I have my dick in a hot dog bun. I pour shots for lil bitchez that are sippin I get loose I'm skinny dippin

anonymous 9/28/2017 1:05:05 PM

U hate me but the speedo I'm wearin is why ur gf is starin. We out hear, the skies are clear as I drink nice cold beer lil bitchez get over hear. On my island we can have fun let my nuts sag in sum water we can be one in the water. Bang boom boom it's sunny at noon, at the luau is where I got threw out. I got a place for u I won't ignore lil bitchez bring ur own hot plate want a drink I pour u one. No cops unless they gettin shot or tending to dank marijuana crops

anonymous 9/28/2017 1:10:44 PM

^ you type identical to that sagebot named "Serj".... if it is in fact you Leeroy, fck off, back into the closet you go, idiot....

anonymous 9/28/2017 1:33:54 PM

also your posts read identical to Chris Fronzak's typing patterns

anonymous 9/28/2017 2:03:40 PM

^ lambgoat eyes with a ruling. not the real FRONZ

anonymous 9/28/2017 2:09:02 PM

he may get an AILD audition date... although from what I can gather, Tim is looking for little for attack on the snare

anonymous 9/28/2017 2:09:25 PM


anonymous 9/28/2017 3:19:15 PM

hope he goes back to norma jean.

anonymous 9/28/2017 3:19:37 PM

^ lame. Tim doesn't need a drummer, he already got Jesse on board. yes, that Jesse.

anonymous 9/28/2017 4:48:05 PM

Drummers are the new bass players for this band

anonymous 9/28/2017 6:55:16 PM

Suppose Nancy sees me coming out of the shower and decides to come on to me. I'm looking good, got a luscious V of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball fro. She takes one look at me and goes, " Oh, my God, I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf," and she grabs me by the weiner.

anonymous 9/28/2017 8:07:09 PM

L no one cares about movie quotes here.

carveyournamein 9/28/2017 9:53:01 PM

Bring ratboy back

anonymous 9/29/2017 12:56:42 AM

This dude's statement is hella gay. He will be out of the band within 18 months.

anonymous 9/29/2017 4:19:49 AM

It's not the Lords plan for him to remain in this band. Truth and conviction. He works in mysterious ways.

anonymous 9/29/2017 5:58:56 AM

Norma Jean's hey day was back in the early 2000s. They haven't really said "hey" since then.

anonymous 9/29/2017 6:38:25 AM

I would not be shocked if it was Jeff from Zao playing with Tim (he did play with Austrian Death Machine already)

anonymous 9/29/2017 9:17:09 AM

"Cop'd a ETID shirt back in 2002 for free because I ran(best mosh) Tuffalo fest. Their lead guitarist a the time had the hottest GF, he was pretty hot too." If it was Jordan, his girlfriend back then/now wife was a playboy model. No jokin'

anonymous 9/30/2017 5:27:01 AM

^^ jealous little bitch shut your cakehole fruit

anonymous 10/1/2017 5:00:01 PM

idk something about mustaches

anonymous 10/4/2017 9:36:38 AM

og metalcore swap is stoked now they think they are getting a norma jean reunion zzz

anonymous 12/24/2017 10:44:13 AM

Every LG news thread goes to Tim Lambesis within two comments. Site needs to change url to

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