Post CommentFrom knocking off Rage to Kanye, plz read our story
you guys are nerds, we get it... you're came out of the womb hardcore and hate everything. sick band, good dudes. Hope to see them out with ETID, Parkway or Knocked Loose, that would be a tight tour.
will fail to chart again, book it. If they would of listened and incorporated some electronicore it would be otherwise. I would know... my band hit #49 during the scene's height
When walking / moving I try to stay on a path or route that is familiar to me so when I and if I stray from the path I will know where I am and so for that reason I am out. 5300 cussy
check their timeline before posting "literally noone asked for this" nonsense. "Gonna check the new album out. Not sleeping on this gem." "Just fcking let me and all my friends do gang vocals on the new album. My life will be complete. We are Indiana natives btw." "fck yeah I'm excited ! You guys are the hardest rapcore shit out there ! I'll see you in Ca" "Sept 8! im saving my money for a shirt/hat/cd bundle.... just in time for school.... classmates are not ready for the mosh"
I find it implausible that four adults sat together in a room and collectively agreed that not only was this a good idea, but also anyone asked for this.
imagine asking your supervisor you need a month off to do this
the lyrics are childish and at a fifth grade level
This band will never stray from the support slots and be able to headline to more than 80 people
Stray From the Path, Safespacecore lol Do they have a special pit for trans people at their shows?
"This band will never stray from the support slots and be able to headline to more than 80 people" Saw them headline Marquis Theater in Denver and it was sold out you f a g g o t.
^ he means the marquis pizza shop. band is bigger joke than their fans. hang it up
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I just joined this community (i was recently just a lurker, just reading about hard music every now and then) is there anything i should really know and such? You guys seem pretty down to earth.