Post CommentI listened to all out war, disembodied, nailbomb, aftershock, overcast, VOD, botch, zao, most precious blood and fury of five before they were cool. I was the first to find them
^^^RIGHT......^^^ your post oozes "prententiousness"
shout out to the nwpa goons that got me into this band when i was in 11th grade sucking big breasts
'I listened to all out war, disembodied, nailbomb, aftershock, overcast, VOD, botch, zao, most precious blood and fury of five before they were cool. I was the first to find them' I played lead shoe box and elastic bands in all those bands...
Complete ripoff of the Iron Golem - Hell's Foundry album art - https://irongolem.bandcamp .com/album/hells-foundry
"Complete ripoff of the Iron Golem - Hell's Foundry album art - https://irongolem.bandcamp .com/album/hells-foundry" Mmmmm... but ... who are those fckers?Clicked link and Sounds Machinehead-y ... but crappier
Boiiiiiii finally something to play in the background while I crack open a cold one with the boys
Complete ripoff of the Iron Golem - Hell's Foundry album art - https://irongolem.bandcamp .com/album/hells-foundry While the concept is similar they are distinct in their own way.
"Complete ripoff of the Iron Golem - Hell's Foundry album art - https://irongolem.bandcamp .com/album/hells-foundry" WHO!?
Camo pants, may-december relationships, and syphilis are pumped for this.
will have this album on full blast while I have diarrhea
Devin amann here: hey guys can you play hope 4 shelter fest? Where 96% of the bands sounds got the same blístered riff lol
anonymous22 hours ago ^^ are you high, or just stupid? Mike Score?
^^ you should be a comedian because that is hilarious
what's up guys Steve Titus here. I just got done drinking a protein shake and I can't fcking wait to pound some fruits to this shit, SBYC style!
^^^ His post oozes sarcasm you dumb fck<--- AND WHAT DOES YOUR POST OOZE, KEYBOARD NAZI?
^^^ His post oozes sarcasm you dumb fck by typing the word "his" you really mean "yours" right? fcking Goomba idiot.
"Complete ripoff of the Iron Golem - Hell's Foundry album art - https://irongolem.bandcamp .com/album/hells-foundry" So Alexandre Goulet ripped himself off...he did both covers...
^We get it bro, no one is questioning your religious freedom.
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