Post CommentI am good with this if the next music vid is in a late autumn cemetery and they are decked out in mesh jerseys and BEATDOWN camo snaps. standard back material nu drop closed casket hate goes in. 'Deathcore' Jon np: through the eye of the dead - failure in the flesh
Was really hoping they did the trigger tango with each other.
Possible tragic vanflip later this year? That would sell some albums lol
"Over the course of the past year we have remained quiet for good reason....There was simply no interest whatsoever in anything we had to say, musically or otherwise. And even now, it looks as if there's still none." Put out your next turd sandwich, let it sell 2,700 the first week then go away like all the other bands.
Hey Deathcore Jon, I snapped your Mom back last night right before I shot my load up her nose. She gonna be smelling salt water for a month.....little bitch!!!
In the last five years I've legitimately not seen a single band benefit from signing to R&T
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mazel tov tyler!