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Post CommentHow the fvck do you pluralize the Lone Ranger? There's three of you. You're not exactly lone.
This guy couldn't direct a shagging match in a brothel
fat kids living in their moms basements are stoked
Ginger Jew directed the video fcking flaming homo
I remember when a kudz didn't want to hold the camera for "lords of dcktown" now he's famous. #poser
Kudler got that good dck, y'all just hatin'. Fun Buffet!
But seriously, these guys suck. That lead singer looks like a fcking joke, their nu metal riffs are fcking dated, everything about this sucks. Did I mention that this shit sucks? I didn't? ok....well just incase you missed it, this shit sucks.
Old wounds are a bunch of afi want to be losers, I hope you all choke on a tofurkey sandwich. Aaron should stick to his shit want to be black metal band the only thing he'd ever be good for film wise is under shots in gay porn.
and I'm glad Matt has found a new band to suck even more in playing drums in four awful bands wasn't enough so he had to play guitar in one as well. Why don't you all go play the meatlocker and hopefully the roof caves in. I'd have a better time listening to Saint anger than any of you goth posers.
I listened to this band for the first and last time today.
Had sex with Aaron once. He got soft halfway through and started crying. Sweet kid.
Y'all are a bunch of fcking dorks. Band rules. They deserve everything they work for.
Old Wounds will be co headlining back to prison fest, alongside suburban scum and heavy chains. Shane from down in it and rebus from code red will be there locked in a cage wearing a monkey suit waiting for people to pity fck them in their monkey ass.
Aaron Kudler is the man! fck y'all #funbuffet
Shane from down in it here just wanna say the monkey suit is vegan
More like Aaron c-ck Cuddler....fckin deviant...
Shane from down in it here , we are good friends with the guys from old wounds. those are our boys! What's up zack! I see you out there getting it Kevin! Hahaha my Bros! Anyways.... Any chance you could get us on warped tour? That would be sick man! Old wounds / down in it warped tour takeover! Just like the old metalcore days! Thanks bro
Yo this is Aaron Kudler telling all you homos to suck my dck and listen to Hounds!
Regis from code red here. I like playing chopsticks on the keyboards with my beefaronie nipples.
Todd Jones and Matt Skiba are the only members of NAILS left, posers.
William Lennon Livesay here haha do I need to say who I am anyway seen that these guys have some cool ink anyone know where I can get this Mario kart shoulder piece covered up since I'm metalcore now too? haha kind of tired of having to wear these white tees under my jersey lmao
Unfortunately they share the same van, so only one van flip :(
Lil chris here. I hate this band so much because the singer fcked my old girlfriend. Boo hoo.
Jim Hesketh from Champion here, while I'm not busy fcking 16 year old girls, I like to shove Kevin's meatty c-ck down my gullet and sip wine with my Whole Foods family. I reclaimed Straighr Edge and started TruexIdentity
Sam from OG metalcore keeping it OG here. I mosh old wounds. Reprint shirts can I?
I wonder how much Kevin's parents paid to put them on warped tour
"Linkin Park is the band that represents our generation." -Aaron Kudler
x little chris x is more of a man than kevin will ever be. Kevin from Old wounds is Bi
me print shirt for you here sam OG OLD WOUNDS good only demo
Old Wounds and Down in it do not deserve to be on warped tour. I don't know who they jerked off for this one
https://downinit.bandcamp. com - Shane down in it
https://downinit.bandcamp. com -Shane down in it
Shane from downinit. the sky is black the sun is black my Instagram pics are black why is everything black hahahaha anyways check out my band we're bringing metalcore back with old wounds except we don't wear make up hahaha just kidding guys I wish I didn't wake up anyways I saw Zao in 1999 so badass
I heard Karebear almost ended Tom Alderson's life
Warped tour is a joke but I am still stoked that Old Wounds gets the opportunity because the deserve it instead of some Rise Records band playing. However, I refuse to support warped tour for putting on artists who are child predators and rapists like front porch step and point blank.
Ttttom Alllldersonn here laksmd,mlsdlmsd ,xcfdsfdsfdsc-po390230io5i 5-532-i323-i PLLLLEASEEEE DDDDONT HURRRRT MUHHHHMEEEE KAREEEEBJMS XCEARRRR
Old Wounds is Awesome, props to the guys in the band because they work their ass off. Everyone hating on them on here is probably jealous or friends with chris inzinna. No one deserves this more than them, I might actually go this year. On another note, stop giving Down in it any more attention or publicity on this site. Least original and dckriding band to come out in a while
Everyone's just mad because Kanye West has been fcking a watermelon for the past 11 months
Stop the down in it comments, you're gonna make shannon go off the deep end
Old wounds / Tourniquet split For fans of : AFI covers
Little Christmas from Tourniquet here, everyone needs to be nice to old wounds only I can talk shit about them. I'm the original old wounds hater. You got any sick shirts for sale? I'm really sketchy guys.
Calling Kevin a gay, or bi, is literally a compliment to him. You guys are doing it wrong.
Calling Kevin a gay, or bi is literally a compliment to him. You guys are doing it wrong.
Kevin told me a smurf joke once, it was sexy. Brandon makes the pretty art. Mikey is sweeter than the honey I poured in my ass this morning. Zack shreds the gnar, and idk the new guy yet. Listen to Sex Cross, The Great American Satan, and Station Cases.
Any chance someone can feed my dogs again? I left them locked in my bedroom with no food or water. Thanks XVX LIL dckS GF XVX
Overweight kids who spend too much time in Asbury are stoked.
Tom Alderson here, guys how come this isn't about me???!!
Shane here, I'll just make a quick shameless plug here... Check out Down In It if you're into eighteen visions and metalcore
Running low on funds to rent the monkey suit. Anyone have a show Down in it can jump on to help pay for it? Shane
Zacs dck looks like a pizza pocket. And taste like one too.
this is a bunch of 30 year olds arguing on an internet message board in 2016.
Tom Alderson, Down in it, Old Wounds split set. Tom alderson does some neat fingerpainting and wheelchair tricks for his portion of the set
You guys leave shane down in it alone, this is the last thing he has to live for.
New Jersey sucks. this band sucks. punks been dead for for atleast 10 years. hardcore is a joke. fck every band in New Jersey. but seriously this band is embarrassingly bad. don't believe me? try sitting through a whole set. it's nearly impossible.
Josiah from Criminal Instinct here, I better never see Old Wounds, Down in it or Tom ALderson in my fcking town or your ass is grass. Im not fcking around! You are blacklisted from any Atlanta hardcore shows and Ghetto Josh agrees with me too. ATLANTA BABY!
Business Fish here guys, just wanted to say that as Old Wounds new guitar player I can't wait to get out on warped tour and hang at all the sick BBQ's and take a kewl girl to prom but we are still 100% HXC/OG and will not tolerate and posers posing during our sets by arm flail moshing to two stepping while buttering the bread.
These comments, holy shit. I love how this has turned into a down in it and Tom Anderson thread. On a serious note, Hopefully down in it gives is up soon. Biggest joke in "hardcore" or metalcore. Whatever they consider themselves.
That gingers band is actually awful
Haha all these keyboard warrior comments on here are cute. I know a lot of people think down in it sucks, this post is about old wounds. Congrats boys
Shane from down in it is probably depressed over these comments , can someone check on him?
Hey lamb goat, Shane from down in it here . Any chance we could get on lambgoat? We're close buds with old wounds and those are our boys! -Shane down in it
binary blues you fckin f*ggots, stop making fun of my fckin lyrics. - Shane (down in it.) (downinit.bandcamp. com)
Lars from invoke here can everyone stop making fun of Shane and make fun of my fish lips
Shane from down in it here. If we get to 2000 likes today I won't kill myself - Shane down in it
shane from down in it here, check out down in it!
this band and down in it both suck. For the posers
jeez, these comments are so harsh. i always wonder why this "anonymous" dude keeps commenting such mean shit. He is giving me a bad name tch?v=-Nn230hj0EM
Todd Jones is stoked because these a-holes will never be one of us
tom alderson here , please send me more money so I can get more tattoos and type o negative shirts, maybe another drumkit? #GOFUNDME
"Seth Roberson has now posted in OG Metalcore/Hardcore Merch Swap" "Seth Roberson has posted in OG Metalcore/Hardcore Merch Swap" "Seth Roberson has posted in OG Metalcore/Hardcore Merch Swap" "Seth Roberson has posted in OG Metalcore/Hardcore Merch Swap" "Seth Roberson has posted in OG Metalcore/Hardcore Merch Swap"
Any gamers in here? Add me on xbox live: xxXShaneFromDownInItXxx
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