Post Commenthe needs us to know he's not a manger speaking
Yeah, you have a problem, you ginger jackass. Get some boy mixed with some fentanyl and OD with a quickness. -signed, everyone
He's that dude from Falling Backwards or something I think
i wonder if any of those funds will go to getting him a new macbook
Alright. Listen. Jonny has a good voice. HOWEVER, this isnt news, to anyone. Webby, wtf are you doing? i posted a letter online about how bad my dick burned in the shower after i got soap in my peehole. Wheres the NEWS on that? Lambfail.
Basically he is saying come out to the shows so he can make money for scores.
"I have a problem.....my MacBook isn't working"
To be one of the few people who comment on this site that isn't a sociopath, I'd have to say that I feel sorry for him. He has an incredible voice and a great lyrical writing ability. I wish him the best. He's done some extremely dumb shit in his past, but the man deserves some respect just for his talent alone. An artist is an artist. He will be remembered long after most of the shitty hardcore/metal projects you commenters circlejerk about.
I'm getting back on legal heroin in pill-form to help me kick heroin again.
I hope this is foreshadowing his eventual overdose while trying to finish out these tour dates for a band no one gives a singular fck about anymore. Dude probably wishes he had died like 10 years ago so he would've stayed relevant. All the f@660ts on here defending this piece of shit, mind blowing
He has an incredible voiceHe has an incredible voice He has an incredible voice He has an incredible voice He has an incredible voice He has an incredible voice He has an incredible voice Lots of people can sing well, who cares. What are you, American Idol judges?
Getting clean isn't going to change the fact that he's still a colossal douche. It's just who he is.
I have a problem with his musical output! Amirite amirite?
who cares, dude will "clean up again" go on warped or "a tour " in general and we will be back writing these same posts
It just keeps happening It just keeps happening It just keeps happening It just keeps happening Accountability and self control you fckwad, one quitter to not-so-much-another
Of course it's not your publicist or manager. They all dropped you.
Jonny Craig issues statement: 'Please help out Pete Jackson buy a drum kit for the KillWhitneyDead reunion that is going to be so sick.YOLO'
don't even have to read that shit to know what it says. more apologizing and excuses. Don't care if this dude gets clean or not, as long as he disappears from the public light and we don't have to keep seeing his jerkoff name and jerkoff face and hear his about his jerkoff "projects"
"Jonny Craig issues statement: 'I have a problem'" This is not news
" I need to finish these tours so I can afford methadone to help break my heroin addiction".
Can I sell my own c-m as mayonnaise? asking for a friend!! Also johnny boy, the rope won't tie itself c'mon man I believe in you, you can do it! Hang yo ass
As a Canadian I must once again apologize for Johnny Craig, Justin Bieber, Avril Lavigne and of course.. Rush.
I support "lambfail" this be garbage son. Webby, wtf are you doing? Oh yeah, making this dude believe he actually has fans to report news to. I also support the noose movement. Broham should just start learning his knots if hes gonna continue trying to be an artist as most canadians do. Get a real job or be a real fcking artist and kill yourself.
It would be cool if he ate the business end of a shotgun.
The only problem Jonny Craig has is being a fat lardass that has to get a subscription to frozen meals because they're bad at portions
HAHAH he doesn't write any of his own lyrics and how many chances does the industry / people have to give this dude and stillllll continue to give him money and support his ultimate level of gaygorty.....
Craig should follow in Cobain's footsteps, or should I say shot patterns
european Slaves dates (with select members)european Slaves dates (with select members)european Slaves dates (with select members)european Slaves dates (with select members)european Slaves dates (with select members)european Slaves dates (with select members) euros and their weird dating sites.
Why can't Jonny Craig and Frankie Palmeri fcking OD already ...
If you or someone you love is having trouble with drugs and alcohol .. Please call (800)590-8634 Don't call Fronz ..CALL NOW! - Frank Palmeri #ItsNeverTooLate
Jonny Craig issues statement: "Pete Jackson and I are dry and his effort to get a grand from us failed so now we're screwed."
Ha "he promised me a killwhitneydead reunion would get us enough dope to last the rest of the slaves tour but now I'm screwed so I'm gonna have to get back on methadone"
Have the authorities questioned Trent Hafdahl about this?
Wow, there certainly are a lot of try hard gays
Jenny Craig helped me loose weight, perhaps it can help Jonny?
drug addiction is a hard one he needs to realize you cannot and will not become clean ever if you are not TRUELLY WILLING AND READY TO QUIT. I'd know cause I've delt with this since I was 16 im 25 now and finally clean and way more happy but you gotta have some balls and man the fck up. I love this dudes bands previous and whatever comes next and his music. But he needs to man up and get clean if I were in his shoes I'd be so happy with music I wouldn't need drugs or booze.
^ Happy with just music? That you wouldn't need booze or drugs? 1) you'd suck as a musician 2) everything is better with booze and drugs 3) shut the F**k up
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