NewsJuly 19, 2015 10:44 AM ET29,525 views

Slaves kicked off Warped Tour 2015

Slaves band Sacramento, California band Slaves are officially no longer on the Warped Tour 2015 bill. Just three shows into their Warped Tour stint, frontman Jonny Craig did something that someone didn't like (details are still undisclosed) and the band was suspended from the lineup pending an alleged "town hall vote" among tour participants. Last night, the vote apparently took place, and Slaves have been sent home. The band has issued this statement:
I'm going to keep this as short as i can, first i'm going to address the rumors that are NOT true. There were NOT drugs involved nor was anyone in our band looking to buy, or sell drugs. There was NO RAPE or any forceful sexual harassment, no woman was ever touched or even spoken to, just felt uncomfortable by our behavior. We NEVER agreed to Warped Tour, Or to Colleen that we would not drink on this tour. We did NOT empty our non existent sewage tank from our bus all over Let me make it %100 clear that we are not continuing Warped Tour because we were voted off because the opinions of certain people who believe that since Jonny drank, despite his success getting clean, will lead to his relapse. This band has been under a microscope for everything we have done, we have had to bite our tongue for every completely twisted story that hits the internet, and are now being called rapists for something the internet doesn't know about, all of this is because of what people have read about Jonny's past instead of what people KNOW about who Jonny is. We aren't the people you have read about, if you would take the chance to get to know us you would see that every situation isn't what you read of it online. Our first merch person was a very attractive girl whom remains to be our very good friend. You can read her statement here. We stood by jonnys side the last year, we stood by his side last night and we will stand by his side this morning. because we KNOW the truth. This is all we are going to say about this situation.
Meanwhile, Jonny Craig had this to say:
"I have 0 problems admitting I drank but i WILL not say I used drugs. Last nights meeting was a railroad about how I'm still high. I got drunk and treated our Merch girl like she was one of the dudes and I understand this was not respectful behavior and I'm sorry very sorry to Colleen but this isn't worth all this? I don't think the word rape is funny and I don't think anyone should just toss that around. I would never hurt anyone of the opposite sex. I'm sorry for breaking my streak of not drinking and have no problem picking right back up. I have spent a year putting my life back together will REAL change for once and I don't deserve this. Neither do my band who have done nothing but take care of me and picked me up time and time again."


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anonymous 7/19/2015 7:56:11 AM

Fronz gets kicked off of Earth.

anonymous 7/19/2015 7:56:14 AM

"Our first merch person was a very attractive girl..." Solid PR move

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:14:21 AM

"I'm not a rapist because our merch bitch is hot" fck off scum

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:16:00 AM

"We're not rapists, our merch girl is hot!" fck off scum.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:16:43 AM

Seriously, who the f uck seriously gives a s hit? Die you worthless junkie, people that matter f uckien hate you, only stupid kids like you, macbooks.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:17:52 AM

"There were NOT drugs involved" Sure.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:28:40 AM

Horrible band with a talented singer that is the biggest piece of shit in this entire universe. Eat a dck you c-m burping ass whore.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:32:01 AM

Drinking is relapsing you bunch of idiots , won't take long for a needle to be in that dudes arm.

jack_kinoff 7/19/2015 8:32:07 AM

fck off alex lyman, just because jonny craig is your only meal ticket in the industry doesn't mean the rest of us are as easily manipulated as you are

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:33:38 AM

Love all these comments don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for the world we live in. If you can convey your topic without resorting to childish name calling. We as a world are fcked when you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of school you all have left.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:33:53 AM

Their merch booth has the best deals on macbooks.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:34:49 AM


anonymous 7/19/2015 8:41:45 AM

when you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of schoolwhen you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of schoolwhen you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of schoolwhen you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of schoolwhen you guys get threw the 11 to 13 years of school

OrgCore 7/19/2015 8:48:18 AM

"Love all these comments don't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for the world we live in. If you can convey your topic without resorting to childish name calling. " -Johnny Craig

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:49:55 AM

Her statement reads like a hostage negotiation and yet another try hard girl who's just one of the guys.

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:50:53 AM

They kept sucking all the dcks, and weren't leaving any for the other bands to munch on.

anonymous 7/19/2015 9:02:57 AM


anonymous 7/19/2015 9:11:49 AM

If you make comments that make someone feel uncomfortable, that is sexual harassment.

anonymous 7/19/2015 9:16:07 AM

seems that people just can't even tolerate this guy. he should just end his own life.

simon_belmont 7/19/2015 9:43:42 AM

what people are forgetting here is that their music is fcking awful

analcest 7/19/2015 9:47:18 AM

Y'all ni99az need a crackbook uh I mean macbook?

anonymous 7/19/2015 10:40:14 AM

One of the jurys "bought" a macbook from johnny a while back, krama!?

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:04:23 AM

who will pick the cotton now

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:12:11 AM

Anybody know where I can get a cheap MacBook?

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:47:40 AM

Dude is a bum, all of you ladies twirling off of this dudes wart hog are in for a surprise in 10 years when the guy can't even get a job at McDonalds because of his lack of education, skills, non-customer friendly appearance and lack of work history. Say hello to food stamps, social security and income controlled housing ladies!

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:51:59 AM

chelsea raine is stoked, now she can suck jonnys dck again instead of making shitty arts and crafts for etsy

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:53:08 AM

They probably should have had someone with a high school education write the statement.

anonymous 7/19/2015 12:23:22 PM

jonny needs to hang himself

anonymous 7/19/2015 12:29:16 PM

"There was NO beat or any forceful sexual harassment, no woman was ever touched or even spoken to, just felt uncomfortable by our behavior." What? So the girls were just standing around not being talked to but felt uncomfortable? Were these dudes grabbin their dcks while not saying sh*t? Makes no sense. The whole statement sounds real defensive IMO.

anonymous 7/19/2015 12:29:57 PM

"who will pick the cotton now" I see what you did there

anonymous 7/19/2015 2:05:35 PM

Rev. Shaw Moore is stoked

anonymous 7/19/2015 2:25:57 PM

We did NOT empty our non existent sewage tank from our bus all over If you were in a bus, it has a sewage tank. Also, if Johnny drank, he is no longer "clean." If you make a woman feel uncomfortable by your actions or words, that's sexual harassment.

anonymous 7/19/2015 2:34:35 PM

"Our first merch person was a very attractive girl whom remains to be our very good friend. You can read her statement here." A reaction that could only have been written by juvenile delinquents. But then again, the band's lyrics should have been a prologue. Honestly, Craig will never be able to escape his past, and the people he has mistreated will make sure of that, and I for one, am ashamed I ever knew him.

anonymous 7/19/2015 2:37:09 PM

I love all these people talking shit, none of you were present when all this went down. How the hell does the people of this world believe every rumor that they hear?? The past is the fcking past. I have met all the guys in this band and I would never believe that anything like that went down. People these days are so involved in drama and hate people they know nothing about! Get your facts straight before you judge someone.

anonymous 7/19/2015 2:57:25 PM

The thing I've taken away from these comments is reinforcement that we live in a society where anyone can be accused of beat or sexual abuse or harassment, and without any due process you people turn into a lynch mob. Whether you like him or not is irrelevant, but just remember, it could be you next.

anonymous 7/19/2015 3:08:32 PM

^ reported for abuse

anonymous 7/19/2015 3:16:37 PM

The fact that so many people here are ready to crucify someone based on statements that are not properly cited or even confirmed as being fact is proof that the unity that everyone claims in the music scene is nonexistent.

anonymous 7/19/2015 3:18:30 PM

Is he a Junkie, maybe not, was he yes, is he an jerk still? Most likely. In 2012 after he came out clean and sober he did a tour where he had 3-10 handlers making sure he didn't snort a line off a bum's bare butt. At a show I worked he told a female fan "why would I talk to you, you look like a 12 year old boy". A month later I hear reliable stories of him shooting up in a grocery store bathroom. Stay Classy.

anonymous 7/19/2015 3:58:59 PM

Slaves.. to the dck.

anonymous 7/19/2015 4:12:32 PM

Johnny, Enabler guy, Radke, and Ian Watkins should start a band

anonymous 7/19/2015 4:26:04 PM


anonymous 7/19/2015 5:40:48 PM

Ultimately, based on his past actions, and continued actions/personal conduct, he IS a piece of shit. I feel bad for those of you defending him. The majority of you do NOT know him personally, and for those of us that do, we all say otherwise. ...well, unless you're riding his coat tails, grasping onto that last glimmer of fame he has before the complete fallout...

anonymous 7/19/2015 5:41:09 PM

Cont... You CANNOT have a track record that bad and be a decent person. END OF STORY. He will tell you his side, and you'll see it because he puts it out there to gain sympathy and fuel his narcissistic personality.

anonymous 7/19/2015 5:41:31 PM

this guy never learns, dumb fck

anonymous 7/19/2015 6:40:46 PM

What an ungrateful bunch of children, there are bands out there that would be ecstatic to get on the warped tour. And he's had how many chances? And blew every single one of them. Hopefully this was his last chance.

anonymous 7/19/2015 6:58:17 PM

oh my god i dont care so god damned much

anonymous 7/19/2015 7:17:29 PM

stock in xl white tees just dropped 14 points, boys. pack it in. we're headin' home.

anonymous 7/19/2015 7:30:13 PM

it's J-O-N-N-Y learn how to spell. goddamn retards

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:06:39 PM

Man, sucks that their song leaked to tch?v=0_LaZD3UWVQ

anonymous 7/19/2015 8:45:32 PM

yo wheres Fronz

anonymous 7/19/2015 9:07:13 PM

as someone who has been accused of beat, i'll be the first to say, i did it my nikkaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

anonymous 7/19/2015 9:32:59 PM

" Let me make it %100 clear that we are not continuing Warped Tour because we were voted off because the opinions of certain people who believe that since Jonny drank, despite his success getting clean, will lead to his relapse." Does this make sense to anyone?

anonymous 7/19/2015 10:28:48 PM

"forceful sexual harassment" what makes behavior considered worthy of harassment is the fact it is unwanted, forced, involuntary, nonconsensual disturbance in a sexual nature, you fcking fools. There's no such thing as consensual sexual harassment. Obviously your dude friends like when you touch and talk to them sexually. Does that mean that they are the universal standard of what consent is? NO. Only one person can consent for you and that is yourself.

anonymous 7/19/2015 10:31:52 PM

*cont* For the people out there that swear up and down that he would never do that because they met him once and took pictures together or the "attractive" former coworker, they also don't get to decide for someone's tolerance to sexual vulgarities. To all the people that are defending someone over sexual harassment accusations, reevaluate yourself because birds of a feather flock together.

anonymous 7/19/2015 10:34:00 PM

Now who will suck me off and sell my drugs? - Z

anonymous 7/19/2015 10:43:50 PM

HEY GUYS FRoooNZ here Yooo jonny cant out drink bill cosby he got.Thozz mazbookks to selll with on beheehalf of STAYSICK CLOTHING SUK MY f*k

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:20:24 PM

Where's my MacBook?

anonymous 7/19/2015 11:21:58 PM

Hey what's up gang? You are all gray, old and fat. Eat my shit. - Kevin Lyman

i_talk_shit 7/20/2015 9:04:33 AM

wanna buy a macbook?

anonymous 7/21/2015 11:02:32 AM

Disable the comments. Think of the families.

anonymous 7/21/2015 11:53:00 AM

Warped Tour had SLAVES? And it took them this long to get rid of them? Shame! This is 2015, Slaves are a thing of the past.

anonymous 7/22/2015 10:47:24 AM

First things first these are allegations. Nothing is even proof. Who's to say the merch girl wants some fame and destruction for finally being the person to wreck the little dignity Craig's got left? Wouldn't that be the shit for the rest of you dick grinding people. One thing this is for sure, the truth always comes out one way or another. For slaves sake hope this shit ain't true.

anonymous 7/26/2015 5:25:35 PM

The way you people are talking about and treating another human being that you do not even know is sickening! If you were not directly involved and do not know him as a person you do not know enough to even have an informed opinion. You should be ashamed of your comments.

anonymous 7/26/2015 5:27:15 PM

Life is hard enough without people posting ignorant and hurtful comments on the internet.

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