Post CommentI have no idea what or where the fck the "hardcore stadium" is, but the Middle East Upstairs barely has a 200 person capacity. Sounds like a joke of a fest, minus Bane.
nevermind, just checked:"Hardcore Stadium" is the Cambridge Elks Lounge. Sounds awesome.
Trapped Under Ice fans who wear The Ghost Inside shirts are ready to hate mosh and talk about getting pssy during Angel Du$t
Adventures is stoked on making everyone feel really uncomfortable for 20 minutes
Big Booty Bitches Presents America's Hardcore Porn Fest 2014.
YES!! Gotta get my favorite pair of gym shorts to the dry cleaner and practice my two-step in mom's basement.
"I just sharted," ghost of Philip Seymour Hoffman.
so are you basically just asking people to only come on Sunday?
Bane, Supertouch, & Breakdown could've just played 1 day, and saved everyone a lot of standing around while some shit bands play.
anonymous2 hours ago Adventures is stoked on making everyone feel really uncomfortable for 20 minutes lol
"Bane, Supertouch, & Breakdown could've just played 1 day, and saved everyone a lot of standing around while some shit bands play." ^ perfect summation
kids using vans with nike socks and nerd haircut are stoked
Kids who think YOUTH CREW is still alive are stoked.
there are some really really terrible band names on here.
literally the most boring fcking lineup/excuse of a fest around, except forced order
hardcore music is the most talentless crap. shitty vocals that sound like kids going through puberty yelling at their mom. just stop
Every band on this fest is fcking terrible, with the exception of Breakdown.
A band called "breakdown" How original Except they have been a band for almost 30 years
A band called "breakdown" How original *facepalm*
overweight ghost inside fans with new chest pieces who think hXc is still alive are stoked
wow almost every single band there sucks besides one cough *breakdown* cough
This lineup is absolute shit. Almost as bad as TNT. How do you make money circle jerking with these terrible no name bands? Oh wait, you don't. That's why they all live in moms house. Don't burn your mouth in those pizza bites or you won't be ar to scream about society properly.
Post-scene kids of 2006 now with shaved heads or 50's era daddy haircuts are stoked to stage dive and back to back
They should call this "A Day Of Power Chords"
Band names are getting shittier and shittier. Bane and Cruel Hand should not be on this.
Breakdown is a classic hardcore band you clowns http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=p842320S66E
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literally no one is stoked.