Post CommentHi, I'm here for the unique to Denver lifestyle elements.
So when are the good bands gonna be announced?
Speedwolf has more fun in one day than your mother would in a week long interracial gang bang. Shut your fcking mouth.
Weekend Nachos should do a split with Vampire Weekend, call it Vampire Weekend Nachos.
anonymous10 hours ago Speedwolf has more fun in one day than your mother would in a week long interracial gang bang. Shut your fcking mouth. permalink | report abuse fck you sageher. Reed and Richie stole coke from us on tour and a girl I'm friends with favorbed Reed. It made me mad that they stole and jealous with the beejer thing. They are mean jerks. Get iced.
/\ yeah gee willakers Reed & Ritchie.....bunch of creeps. Boo hoo, you pssy.
So you're jealous that a girl that obviously isn't attracted to you sucked someone else's dck? Get fcked.
anonymous29 minutes ago So you're jealous that a girl that obviously isn't attracted to you sucked someone else's dck? Get fcked. permalink | report abuse Step off lil hoe...I stay wit FSU on tha trill an we hard. Come to joeys in revere an we see how tuff you act lil bitch.
anonymous31 minutes ago So you're jealous that a girl that obviously isn't attracted to you sucked someone else's dck? Get fcked. permalink | report abuse I am, gay. She was my friend for years and I've been trying to show her I want more than that and she got all crazy eyed over those gays and hooked up with the singer when we saw them play here (Austin)!! It's bullshit because now shit is ruined between her and I. Go fck you.
I am, gay. She was my friend for years and I've been trying to show her I want more than that and she got all crazy eyed over those gays and hooked up with the singer when we saw them play here (Austin)!! It's bullshit because now shit is ruined between her and I. Go fck you. I like Speedwolf even more now.
I am, gay. She was my friend for years and I've been trying to show her I want more than that and she got all crazy eyed over those gays and hooked up with the singer when we saw them play here (Austin)!! It's bullshit because now shit is ruined between her and I. Go fck you. I like Speedwolf even more now. I just write shit like this on here for attention. Y'all calm the fck down.
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