NewsJuly 24, 2013 4:18 PM ET6,298 views

Sworn In addresses leak of new album

The forthcoming Sworn In album, The Death Card, has apparently leaked online roughly a month prior to its release. As such, the band has issued the following statement:
It has been brought to our attention that our debut full length cd "The Death Card" has leaked to the public via several internet hosting sites. With this being said, we can only express our deepest sadness that we can't be the ones to share this cd with you. It's as though somebody else stole all of our hard work, something we poured our hearts and souls into, and is giving it away for free. Not only that, but a bands success is highly gauged from the amount they sell the first week, and having the cd out for free almost a month early has the potential to kill everything we've worked for for two years. If you see the link, please do the right thing and report it to be taken down. We appreciate every true fan who has pre-ordered The Death Card, and can only hope that rather than be selfish and impatient, you pre-order our cd. We promise its worth buying, and theres so much more to come.


Post Comment

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:24:10 PM


anonymous 7/24/2013 1:25:29 PM

Wrong way to respond to a leak, cry babies. Train loving bass player you just kicked out probably leaked it.

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:27:34 PM

"a bands success is highly gauged from the amount they sell the first week, and having the cd out for free almost a month early has the potential to kill everything we've worked for for two years." basically, people will realize it sucks before they're forced to buy it. Choo-choo!

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:29:22 PM

Why does lambgoat keep reporting about this band?

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:31:32 PM

Almost every album these days leaks early. fck off....

MarginError 7/24/2013 1:34:32 PM

Bands that can't google their own name before deciding are stoked.

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:39:38 PM

Track 13 (Hidden Track) "Tyler's mom getting fcked by a rhabbi"

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:43:19 PM

EL OH EL, just stole it, so I could shit all over it a month early.

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:48:22 PM

have you ever noticed how everyone talks shit about everything this band does? maybe cause they're all gays???

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:48:40 PM

is Mrs. Dennen enough of a whore to suck it off the Internet?

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:49:13 PM

their vocalist is a terrible frontman. fckin awkward ass kid always looks like it's his first show. lame ass

anonymous 7/24/2013 1:56:04 PM

I toured with Sworn in when they were no one, and since they got signed they forgot about all the people who helped them out. I saw them recently and they still suck. The vocalist used to be cool but now he's a jerk who cares more about his Twitter follower count than making himself a better vocalist. The only cool person in that band now is Chris the drummer. No I will no buy their album and I probably wont illegally download it either. Oh and I'm pretty sure Greg Long leaked the album

anonymous 7/24/2013 2:06:49 PM

Dont give your music out and it wont leak?

OrgCore 7/24/2013 2:08:07 PM

From their Facebook description; "Optimism is a fcking disease" Other posts on their Facebook page; "So take your necklace off and put a fcking noose in its place." "Can't tell if I'm dead, or just fcking unwanted." I'm bummed for their loss of $32.86 that they most assuredly will miss out on now that the record leaked.

anonymous 7/24/2013 2:13:51 PM

Maybe the members shouldn't have sent to so many people. I know of like 8 people who got the album from the band members. It's their own dumbass fault

Snoopy2 7/24/2013 2:18:31 PM

Your negro Obama voting bassist leaked it for the spirit of socialism

Snoopy2 7/24/2013 2:18:44 PM

in America, the land of the free

anonymous 7/24/2013 2:55:25 PM


anonymous 7/24/2013 3:11:54 PM

Tim Lambesis should bench press the fck out of these whiny bitches

anonymous 7/24/2013 3:39:05 PM

I blame Corey and Trevor.

anonymous 7/24/2013 3:55:01 PM

Megan here, Sworn In is my favorite fcking band!

anonymous 7/24/2013 4:30:06 PM

this happens to pretty much every band, you fcking crybabies. it's laughable that you think you're special because you're another hype band. you're just mad people will know your borderline numetal album is dogshit before they buy it. your reputation means nothing, because you're just another flash in the pan anyway. if shit like this bothers you, put down your instruments now. this is what happens when you make music to cater to 15 year old scene trash.

fourthgradecocktease 7/24/2013 4:33:05 PM

"Why does lambgoat keep reporting about this band?" because this website is full of 15 year old gays who can't get enough of this band's stupid internet drama, and webmaster is perfectly content to capitalize off the free publicity and hits.

anonymous 7/24/2013 4:39:31 PM

You know the ONLY reason this band keeps getting posted about is because this site keeps getting hits for it right? Stop fueling fire with fire.

anonymous 7/24/2013 4:41:16 PM


anonymous 7/24/2013 5:07:11 PM

every negative post on here was done by that gay from we are triumphgay

anonymous 7/24/2013 5:21:10 PM

Sworn Enemy. Of the human race. God save me. From this wretched place.

anonymous 7/24/2013 5:28:04 PM

One of the worst vocalist I have ever heard guy has no talent his mother should of swallowed him and this album

anonymous 7/24/2013 6:39:28 PM

it happens to every band this is not new Sworn In lmao every band albums gets leaked way too early , lmao

anonymous 7/24/2013 7:47:37 PM

It's funny that you people think that they actually kicked Sean out because of the trains. But it's still bullshit to leak an album that a band worked so hard on. If people still had to pay for it then that would be different but the face that they will be losing a lot of money and success is sad.

anonymous 7/24/2013 8:10:51 PM

The irony in this band (other than Trains) is that the guitarist is black and his name is Kenny Pickett.

anonymous 7/24/2013 9:10:25 PM

It's funny that you trains think that trains actually kicked trains out because of the trains. But it's still trains to leak an trains that a trains worked so trains on. If people still had to trains for it then that would be trains but the trains that they will be losing a lot of trains and success is trains.

OrgCore 7/24/2013 9:36:41 PM

"It's funny that you people think that they actually kicked Sean out because of the trains. But it's still bullshit to leak an album that a band worked so hard on. If people still had to pay for it then that would be different but the face that they will be losing a lot of money and success is sad." Calm down, Nancy. No one fcking cares.

anonymous 7/24/2013 11:41:03 PM

can we just talk about how Tyler's mom fcked a rhabbi?

anonymous 7/24/2013 11:41:47 PM

like he cause the temple to shut down cuz she banged so much jew dck.

anonymous 7/25/2013 1:18:12 AM

The horror, the tragedy................... .......................... ....911

anonymous 7/25/2013 5:14:30 AM

nu metal.

anonymous 7/25/2013 6:19:36 AM

Can someone post the download link so I don't have to pre order it

anonymous 7/25/2013 7:13:26 AM

Greg Long, lol. I've had fun with his girlfriend about 3 times since she's been seeing him. Better keep an eye on her at all times, now.

anonymous 7/25/2013 7:14:02 AM

Google the leak. Or, hit up thelastdisaster dot net.

anonymous 7/25/2013 8:26:15 AM

We are all alone at heart, I told you guys this album would suck from the start.

anonymous 7/25/2013 8:27:06 AM

We are all alone at heart, these vocals sound like you recorded a fart.

anonymous 7/25/2013 8:28:02 AM

We are all alone at heart, shoulda just stuck with Gene from the start.

anonymous 7/25/2013 8:41:42 AM

Filed under don't give a shit

anonymous 7/25/2013 10:42:19 AM

meanwhile, the band members of Sworn In download the new Letlive album from said hosting sites.

anonymous 7/25/2013 11:14:55 AM

King 810 is stoked

anonymous 7/25/2013 12:58:02 PM

Welcome to the music industry crybaby gays Ps Greg long is a herb

summerbeers 7/25/2013 1:49:24 PM

i agree, it was cory and trevor

anonymous 7/25/2013 2:42:20 PM

Cory Brandan is not stoked

anonymous 7/25/2013 4:51:52 PM

they sound like a shitty version of Dr.Acula

sadball 7/25/2013 5:08:47 PM


anonymous 7/26/2013 8:29:49 AM

you should be talented first then you can bitch about being leaked till then shut up play your mediocre music.

anonymous 7/26/2013 8:40:42 AM

I think I'm the only one on this site that seems to like this band.

anonymous 7/26/2013 10:39:07 AM

i liked this band util they dropped a 24 date tour 24 hours before it started. "wheres sworn in?" fck off. but i will probably listen to the album..

anonymous 7/26/2013 10:44:36 AM

glad they realize what happens when an album leaks, in other news, Sworn In members learn not to give their album away to their "friends"

anonymous 7/26/2013 4:26:40 PM


anonymous 7/26/2013 7:03:11 PM

Jews are not stoked

anonymous 7/27/2013 1:09:09 AM

I'll take a leak on their new album

anonymous 7/28/2013 11:57:00 PM

goochlickers. commit suicide immediately

anonymous 7/29/2013 12:44:42 AM

tyler dennen's mom is sucking the coke off of chad ruhlig's dck. gay butt buddies. talk about man boy love, sagea is old as shit, playing with tyler's baby dck while jew-whore momma watches

anonymous 7/29/2013 9:42:22 AM

If you download the cd, you aren't hurting the band, you're hurting the label. These guys seem like tools.

cwalloch 7/29/2013 4:05:29 PM

"The irony in this band (other than Trains) is that the guitarist is black and his name is Kenny Pickett." Hey dumb ass, Kenny is in Kingmaker.

anonymous 8/2/2013 4:29:31 AM

jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma jew-whore momma

anonymous 8/4/2013 8:36:58 PM

fck this band. fck this album.

anonymous 9/3/2013 2:16:01 PM

Colin Sharkey is stoked

Tags: Sworn In

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