Post CommentMaybe Sworn In will actually show up on time on this tour, considering they miss over half the dates they play because their moms won't let them leave for shows.
Tour is long for these bands who will drop first? WHO WILL BE DEFONCED???
Will be jacking off in the bathroom until Sworn In plays.
LOL at these venues. And to announce this as a tour, what a shame.
I love how the notion that most bands start out playing bars, halls, and small clubs escape the minds of Lambgoat elitists and they think that every tour that's posted here should consist of 1000+ capacity venues. Pathetic.
Adaliah = I'm there. Also, the rest of the bands that are playing are dope.
Adaliahs merch guys is gets hia face sat on on the reg. By fairly attractive women.
Poughkeepsie, NY is stoked. Also I wonder if the bands parents will drive them to each show.
adaliah's merch boy is a c-cksucking gay who can't keep a job and has a hyge gap in his teeth, good luck getting a job with those gaygy TSSF lyrics on your inner arm you tool
I hope these guys show up. I mean, after all, their mommies need to drive them out in between dropping off Retard Jr. at night school and Sarah Slutmeister at cheerleading practice. I bet these guys don't realize that without mom's Kia Sedona, they'd be nowhere. Literally.
Hey tough guy talking shit about the merch guy.Show up at the Tampa date and say that shit to his face so I can gladly knock you the fck out.
Lol this is the merch guy. I love lambgoat not getting butthurt who this fck is that ^ bahahaha
Heard sworn in sucks dudes off for management
sworn in will have to drop because their fat diabetic jew lead singer will forget his insulin.
sworn in is lucky when you search "sworn in live" on YouTube it only shows C-Span clips of people being sworn into a position. It both hides how horrible they are live AND let's the user watch a much better video than anything they' have or will ever put out.
Fight me during every single date of this tour you pussies
Sworn in? The band that has no respect for anyone and sounds like a bunch of excess gain live? Must be them
no one will fcking fight the merch guy, fight adaliah's merch guy, you fight me.
Kids with windbreakers and hit people at shows and still live with their parents are stoked forsure
Murder death kill is stoked along with suffokate
http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?feature=player_embedded &v=ybqo4zGAegw
sworn in's guitarist steals ipods and shit to fund his life on the road. what a nig.
I don't know what you're talking about. Sworn In are easily the best band on We Are Triumphant
adaliahs merch guy does not lay pipe. in fact, he is very, very, very busy with losing a lot of money on shows, having a HUGE gap in his teeth, having fun with 15 year old girls, posting selfies on instagram, looking like he has autisim, chugging all a gallon of c-m all from the dudes in neck deep's dicks, and having a "girlfriend" while still fcking 15 year old girls
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fck yes, will be at the omaha date. But seriously why the fck does King Conquer headline every fcking tour? You're only drawing the same people.