Post CommentAll the cool shit happens up north. What's a flexi disc?
Converge leads tour of aging elitist metal bands. Might still go, but only if they play some of their better older songs.
Hot high school girls everywhere are stoked for this tour
Married 28-35 year olds with beards and a gut wearing saucony's and skin tight Botch shirts are stoked
minus Mehnicipal Waste this is a fckin great show!
Hardcore kids of 2006 who pretend like they weren't hardcore kids are stoked
snoopy22 hours ago "Hardcore kids of 2006 who pretend like they weren't hardcore kids are stoked permalink | report abuse" ^. This is so true its not even funny.
You Call It Your Right I Call It Your Weakness You Call It Your Right I Call It Your Weakness You Call It Your Right I Call It Your Weakness You Call It Your Right I Call It Your Weakness You Call It Your Right I Call It Your Weakness
hey i don't care about converge or municipal waste, but i'll be there. come hug me and we'll have beers. love you guys. xoxox
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Oh shut up