Post Commentrevelation?? thats still a label? album available at all VFW's
band rules. fck ghost inside fans that hate on the real shit just because..
Down to nothings label realize how much money theyre wastin on sending a talentless group of kids to LA, where they are up to nothing
Down To Nothing are the best hardcore band of the last 5 years. No doubt.
Down To Nothing are the worst hardcore band of the last 5 years. No doubt.
Scott Vogel does not approve of this bullshit band putting HARDCORE on their merch...........goddamnit.
Sxe kids are stoked..As for me, <popping a beer>
says the kids who doesnt know David Wood plays bass for terror
anonymous 18 hours ago says the kids who doesnt know David Wood plays bass for terror HOLY SHIT WE GOT A KNOW IT ALL OVER HERE. AT LEAST ONE PERSON GOT IT!......god dude you are a complete fggt.
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sounds like they're down to nothing