Post CommentA band saying "fck you" before a breakdown... The innovation is incredible. Band looks like gays and vocalist must suck yellow dcks.
30th cover band of bury your dead gets signed to label as a tax write off. band/label flip
Victory signs another worthless band that no one will listen to
jesus christ what awful ignorant shit. i bet all the 15yr olds in their town hold them up as idols
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HAHAHA! WAIT WAIT, let me catch my breath...you play a portion of it like you're teasing everyone cause we're all dying in anticipation to hear the rest HAHAHAHAHA! just post the whole fcking song you twats... the wiggercore community is stoked
as a member of tha wiggercore community I must inform you that I am NOT stoked.
i've never seen an old english letter in a circle surrounded by olive leaves before. thats a really cool original logo. i wish i had thought of it.
That band name is inspiring. i think i will name my band "Inspirations".
Victory records band roster just keeps getting better and better maybe this band an design the skyline will tour together lol and damn the vox teeth r yellow as fck omg
British bands > American bands We've given you Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motorhead and newer bands like Architects, BMTH, While She Sleeps and Continents. What have you given us? Design The Skyline and Attack Attack? GTFO
A band saying "fck you" before a breakdown... The innovation is incredible.
British bands > American bands We've given you Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motorhead and newer bands like Architects, BMTH, While She Sleeps and Continents. What have you given us? Design The Skyline and Attack Attack? GTFO Yet you given us bands like Bring me the Horizon and Bullet for My Valentine. Oh and America has more than those 3 bands gay.
All you being sued for slander against the almighty V records. -Tony V.. #1 Independent Label at one point
Youtube introduction videos Close-ups of neck tattoos Merch available months before album release 2012
They say it's our music and our label. Let them know how shitty they are, it is "your" label isn't it?
breakdownnnnnn. snappbackkk and jean jackets and neck tatssss
neck and hand tattoos but nothing else, someone please kill them or me
I actually know the vocalist and his teeth are pure white due to 3 grands worth of work so sorry to piss on your parade guys but I bet your all ugly little dcks sat behind your lap tops pointing out other peoples appearances when you probably need to look at yourselves first, so sad
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LOL pause at 0:12 to see how yellow the vocalist teeth are.