Post CommentWretched and From All Within should tour again!
Definitely interested. Should be a sick album with Adam Cody from Glass Casket on vocals.
hell yeah. beyond the gate beatd my jerk! ready for more baby.
I heard these guys went broke on their last tour because they had to buy so many pregnancy tests
If we can expect an apocalyptic-type theme that portrays a very personal experience, we can expect an album about all those strippers and cheerleaders lives they ruined on the beyond the gate tour. Get a clue Wretched! Life isn't about partying and banging all the girls in the world.
this post shoulda came with a clean pair of underwear
I banged one of the guitarists girlfriends on tour. She is tall and has nipple tattoos
^ I banged your mom on tour. She sucked my hairy nipples and wore goo on her face.
Lol @ "Funderburk". Awesome name
who gives a fck, italian Wretched is the only one anyone should care about https://files.nyu.edu/cch2 23/public/italy/wretched_m ain.html
fck yeah this just made my day. Can't wait for this shit
anonymous17 hours ago Definitely interested. Should be a sick album with Adam Cody from Glass Casket on vocals. < 1st relevant anonymous post
Hell yeah. Just saw some sweet teaser footage from the studio on youtube and I think I just creamed my pants. Can't wait for this to c-m out.
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sick band