Post CommentIntegity has always had the shittiest vocals. Both in content and in the way they sound. Seriously overrated band, fck this rhetoric. Hey integrity, be creative for once.
This record sounds so much like early fcked Up
This record sounds so much like early fcked Upd
Not liking Integrity makes you a fcking clown.
Rather be a clown than a hardcore hipster gay.
When asked about the group, Integrity frontman Dwid Hellion put it simply: "I accept their gift of frrrt."
Desolated and Brutality Will Prevail are stoked
I thought Ezec murdered this entire band?
I care and will be picking this up in a few days.
anonymous3 hours ago biggest merch band ever. anonymous3 hours ago Hardcore posers are stoked truth. also, this song is awesome
one life crew is undecided but leaning towards not stoked
Integrity releases old material as "new" material, awesome.
Lol @ OLC. Wonder what Chubbie Fresh's fat ass is up to nowadays
This sounds like thin, weak crap. Way to go 1992.
stoked, realized LG comments comparable to Sim City news ticker.
Anybody who likes this band is literally a gay. This band is terrible and has always been terrible. No good songs. Ever.
brassknuckleromance I'll give you money to pick up one for me.
Why have deathcore gays in my area gotten into Integrity? Is in an attempt to seem legit or something? fcking gays.
the other anonymous posters must have big black c-cks shoved in their ears... because this shit kills. anyone who hates integrity and then posts ignorant shit about how integrity fans are gays can seriously go brush their teeth with a soldering iron.
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