Post Commenthaha mean pete. quality name to call yourself at 30 years old
Not sure what's worse: how bad this band's music is or that they're too stupid to call it quits. They've changed styles about 4 times, god only knows how many singers they've had, etc. Oh, then there's the dubstep-metal side project they announced a few months ago. They're like trend-jumpers who can't figure out which trend is popular. When both Stillborn and Eulogy decide to not do another record with you, you've got some major issues.
And yeah, "desperation" doesn't even begin to cover it. Also, they're looking for a label, but then say "the album is slated for a summer 2012 release." I think what you're looking for is "we're hoping to have the album out in summer 2012." Jesus, these guys are really really really dumb.
"from the highly anticipated forthcoming album". So highly anticipated, nobody wants to release it.
who the hell begs for a label in 2011? especially a band that only a handful of ree ree's care about. either self-release something or break the fck up and get real jobs.
I don't think they're qualified to work real jobs, and that's the issue. I also think they probably don't actually know what "highly anticipated" means.
I only come here for Lloyd's comment. I'm never disappointed.
I usually dont talk trash on here, but this band just needs to quit. The first ep was promising (for the time), the full length sucked, they tried to go djent on the latest one (and spammed facebook with it), then the AWFUL dubstep metal thing, and now 8 strings and back to deathcore? The (spam) hype is dead. Your fans have left.
And their contract was "complete" , they got dropped. They even dropped their last tour because no one was coming to the shows and they had no money. The dream is dead, boys...
I'm guessing, Eulogy probably only released the album after the band had recorded it on their own. I remember them (spamming) hyping, they were recording for at least a year before the label was announced. You (above me) also forgot their nu metal phase for a second.
I was a fan of this band, strictly for the comedic value; they're like the Spinal Tap or Best in Show of death-core. I remember them posting a video of them playing a big home town show and a) it turned out they were like first of 6 on a bill opening for some bigger band, so there were actually some people there and b) of those people, there were 2 pleasures kick-ninja-mosh-boxing during the set, and the rest of the crowd seemed confused.
No, one album deal. Know what that means? And the last tour wasn't dropped, we didn't even miss a show. Were also not begging for a label. We've had offers were just advertising that our options are open. What's the point of being an jerk? If you don't like it, who cares? But to act like you know our business is retarded.
One album deal in an era when labels aren't doing one label deals very often speaks volumes. Common sense would also dictate Eulogy would want this one if the last had sold. You've had offers, but you're advertising you're available. Do you know how retarded that is?
Oh yeah! The one song nu-metal phase! haha! "for fans of slipknot / hatebreed / lamb of god" haha!
...and they even post trying to defend themselves on their own article. Yes! Sink to our level....
They changed their logo to go with their "new nu metal sound," as well.
fck the haters! I have faith this will be pretty good. They always have cool riffs. The music industry is just fcked.
Its not retarded at all, its keeping options open. I don't get why people post on here saying "just give up", "no one cares" etc. Just because you're a musical elitist and you personally hate us, then so be it. However, we do have a fan-base and they do dig our music, which is a great reason to keep putting out music. You're just being an jerk to look arrogant and c-cky on a website. Cool, everyone knows how much you think you know about the music biz.
Hey, whatever your band name was... be careful and watch thy tongue. You never know who's watching. Somebody better take away the shovel before they dig the hole too deep... Laughable, really.
^Who's watching? ;)ill shove the shovel up your ass
...and no one is mentioning that "Abominations of Desolation" was the name of the first Morbid Angel demo.
You DON'T have a fanbase. You probably have less than 500 people, nationally, who actually like your band, who'd buy your album and go see you when you come through down. Thems the facts, dude. Also, the "retarded" comment was regarding the way you're going about doing things.
Says who? How the fck would you know? 500 people? That's completely wrong. You have nothing to back your opinion.
lol, so their one album desperation we'll just release this and do nothing for it because we're broke contract is done? good guys though, best of luck...
Actually I DO. I have the words of promoter, agents, etc who've done shows and tours for you. Let's talk record sales. How about posting your soundscan numbers? Or headline date finals? This should be good.
So I see 13000+ likes on their Facebook (including mine) which is a pretty respectable fan base! Dig the new tune though I like the Bleed sound better thus far!
Catalepsy is often mentioned on blogs and whatnot by people who like them, and the 13000 plus fans is another positive sign. keep up the good work sageas.
HA, think who you will. There's no short list of people who have plenty of stories about the band. And facebook "likes" don't mean SHIT, especially, from a band KNOWN for their internet bombing/spamming etc. 13,000 likes in no way means a "fan." It takes seconds to "like" a page. Shit, I "like" plenty of bands I'd never buy anything from. Try again, mongo.
"Catalepsy is often mentioned on blogs and whatnot by people who like them" HAHAHAHHA what the fck does this mean?? Blogs?? Really? Some fcking dipshit who sets up a blogspot mentions them and that MEANS something?? Jesus Christ, you guys get dumber as the days go on.
I WISH there was a like button on comments right now
There's no reason to be cruel to a band for trying. It's pointless. It's like making fun of kids at school. Childish. If you don't like the fcking band, don't listen to them. What are you guys all 5 years old? I know this is lambgoat but jesus fcking christ. Noone is forcing this song down your throat, so ignore it you idiots.
Hey, we got a couple of positive comments on here. For lambgoat, that's good. Lambgoat is full of people who want to talk shit, thats all. We aren't huge, but we're trying. We're putting out the music we love, and if we get a little recognition for it, thats cool too. You can make fun of us all you want, but they are only words, and we are still going to make music. Yes, we have had shitty tours, yes, we have had low record sales. It happens. Either keep trying or give up. We aren't giving up.
ok now explain what exactly you're "trying" to do. make a living playing music? not gonna happen unless you're Avenged Sevenfold. put out the music you love, waste all your time writing and touring and worrying that a speeding ticket will break your bank account?? probly more likely.
OK, I will say this, I remember seeing on your Facebook all the shows you canceled on a recent U.S. tour. Also, I'm from Buffalo and I know for a fact that tour got canceled because little to no tickets were sold for the show, and they couldn't even get one local on it. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you just have to remix this song cause of all the complaints? Yes, I do "Like" you guys on Facebook and read your posts
Don't give up, but trust me as someone who once had the same attitude as you, do it as a hobby and have a real job to support yourself. It's WAAAYYYY better
is someone really telling us not to make fun of people on lambgoat???
To correct you, it was a tour in August of 2011 with The World We Knew and our vans engine blew up so we had to cancel. Frank from TWWK would know about the ticket sales stuff, we dropped before it began.
What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? The Holocaust.
"To correct you, it was a tour in August of 2011 with The World We Knew and our vans engine blew up so we had to cancel. Frank from TWWK would know about the ticket sales stuff, we dropped before it began." Hey dipshit, August IS recent. And why would we want numbers from Frank. We're discussing YOUR lack of draw, not theirs. Shit, tour probably did better without you.
Please don't forget their sweet 600$ guarantee that they ask for
Yeah you fcking retard gay. August is recent, but the tour wasn't dropped due to OUR numbers. It was dropped because OUR van blew up on the last day of OUR JULY tour. So suck my fcking dck. You're going to remain anonymous, probably because you're a pssy..or you're a disgruntled "agent"/"label manager".
I never said not to make fun of people on lambgoat. I actually said "you can make fun of us all you want", I don't give a fck. Bring on the hate. We aren't making music for a living, but we aren't going to drop what we love doing. If that means the band not being our main job then so be it. There are tons of bands who also have jobs.
$600 guarantee? I fcking wish. Not that its any of your damn business, but we ask 150-250 depending on situations and if its local shows, $350-400 at most. Idiots.
Everyone be scared of cattlepepsi cripple sick josh, stoner illuminati freak shuan, fat twin ben and dumb ass scary neck tat rob
We never asked for that much. You guys have no fcking clue what you're talking about. We would ask 300 at the most. Retards.
Whoever made the comment about Catalepsy asking for 600 a night is a moron. That is completely untrue.
Catalepsy may not be the greatest band out there but Westboro is a respectable track. fck the haters keep doing what your doing.
Sorry, but when you SPAM the shit out of facebook, you're going to catch some shit. It wasnt good promotion, just annoying.
"PLAY THE OLD SONGS" being shouted at every show isnt a good sign...
Say what you will about spamming. We went from 6900 "likes" in May 2011 to 11,000 "likes" by July 2011, do the math. For every person it pisses off, we get like 10 new people hearing about us. Free advertising, dog-eat-dog world out there.
So, now the band that sang about raping and killing women is now taking a moral stand against Tthe Westboro Baptist Church? I mean, I'm behind that. But its ok to kill and beat women but "god hates gays" is a big no no? Sending mixed signals here...
This band steals from the people they stay with. Awesome guys...
Definitely heard 1 story of them loading another band's cabs into their trailer, along with their own. Oh, and the band's cabs were stenciled with the other band's name. I didn't say why you dropped the tour, just that the tour you claimed wasn't dropped, then was due to engine blah blah wasn't recent. 4000+ "likes" in 2 months. And no fans or sales.
We had a past member who would steal things at shows, etc. We kicked him the fck out of the band. He was completely insane and he stole from his own band. We are sorry that happened and it has hurt our reputation. None of the current members would EVER steal other bands equipment. The member who stole things name is ROB CONOVER. Feel free to beat his ass. Thanks.
We don't know why you guys have so much of a problem with us. We've never REALLY done anything to you. We spammed facebook for a little while but is that really a huge deal? It's facebook.. You can delete the post, block our updates, etc. We aren't saying we're HUGE or anything but god damn. No need to be such a dck.
Yes we had a pillhead vocalist in our band back in 2009 named bert conover who did steal, in which we kicked him out shortly after. Our current members are not sketchy at all. We work hard. The cab story is completely false. Ridiculously false. I'm actually laughing over it.
Hey since you're answering questions, what the fck does "abomination of desolation" even mean?
fcking dckwads, seriously just quit already. you, playing for keeps and adaliah are the the jokes of the florida scene. keep doing what you do if you feel like, but know that the entire fcking world is laughing at you
you seem really mad ^ this seems like something personal . you're like one of those dumbass bullies at school who tried to pick on people to feel special and better than others because of your insecurities. see a therapist dude.
If they love doing what they're doing, then that's all that matters. So what if their style changed? So does the type of music I listen to. I think there's just a bunch of haters, hidden by a keyboard, trying to start shit for no other reason then they're jealousy. Keep it up catalepsy, I like the new sound you guys are doing. Peace homies!
Catalepsy, I'm a fan. Quit wasting your time responding to these guys. It is only giving them ammo. Just shut up and write more music to prove them wrong.
lol i'm losing my shit over here. Cattlepepsi hahahahah guys, just go wait in the car.
LOL fck this dude,trust me if this dude goes out to shows he probably chills in the back room giving head to all the members of each band on tour in order to get information...gossip is for Bitches bro. why else would you flood a message board w/half assed statistics & misleading information? LOL
What exactly is there to be jealous about?? Yeah, jealous of all of Catalepsy's accomplishments and killer tunes.
I don't see you making music and selling records. Sounds jealous to me.
I don't see them doing that either. It's hardly music, and it AIN'T selling to anyone. The other big question is: did anyone like Remembering Never?? Is having this dude on a track even noteworthy??
are lambgoat posters even worthy of listening to? nope. i'm gonna go take a shit now, brb
Man, what a wiener. Defending your own band on the internet is lame.
I Am Divide >>> any FL band ever. Lol. Seriously though, attacking their vocalist Josh and calling me a "sick cripple" is as ignorant as it gets. Go ahead and battle Chrone's Disease, have portions of your intenstines removed due to numerous surgeries AND THEN make a comment. It's funny really, how the "cool" thing to do over Lambgoat is to berate any/every thing without substance, pososibly due to strict jealously (seeing as how most of you live absolutely abysmall lives).
whoa now, *possibly. Don't know how pososbabakdlfh or whatever the fck showed up.
singers of glassjaw and saves the day are stoked on crohns oh...and cattle pepsi
"To correct you, it was a tour in August of 2011 with The World We Knew and our vans engine blew up so we had to cancel. Frank from TWWK would know about the ticket sales stuff, we dropped before it began." Complete lie, I remember you posting on FB looking for places to stay on this tour, bro
To long_insured: We DID NOT do this tour. Did not start this tour. We might have made a status when it was confirmed like "come see us on these dates, who has a place for us to stay" or something similar, but we definitely know when we toured and when we didnt. Thanks.
You guys are all pathetic. To the one guy who brags he knows promoters, fck you and die.the fact that you are doing research to try to bring this kid down makes you look like the dumbshit. You probably ARENT shit. I don't care for this band either, but like them or not at least they are trying and have been on well known labels. I personally want to fight you just for being a dck. Search me on Facebook. Colin Patrick Sizemore.
Not really research as much as common knowledge, Colin. A few people have pointed it out. As for your facebook URL, WontBePatheticForever, I strongly disagree.
this is some funny shit. highly agree they have no real fans. But I think 500 real fans nationally is a little high. I would maybe say 50 people nationally would pay $10 to see them headline...let alone paying $15 or $17 to see them open for a package. They need to stop touring. Every agent that ha offered me a package with Catalepsy on it, I have blocked there email. waste of everyones time. These comments are great though. - To the members of Catalepsy, just stop
Why are you all wasting your time trying to shit talk a band you hate? You look more pathetic than them. Stop being a fcking dumb shit and stop commenting you idiots. I'm betting it's only one or two people who keep commenting. PS: Remembering Never is/was the shit. fck you
I think it's a bunch of people, as just about anyone who's dealt with these clowns hates them. And, Remembering Never was the shit? Weird, since I've never met ANYONE who liked them.
Not sure what's worse: how bad this band's music is or that they're too stupid to call it quits. They've changed styles about 4 times, god only knows how many singers they've had, etc. Oh, then there's the dubstep-metal side project they announced a few months ago. They're like trend-jumpers who can't figure out which trend is popular. When both Stillborn and Eulogy decide to not do another record with you, you've got some major issues.
Their previous members were shitty, hence why they got new members. Your agency isn't the only agency in the world. You don't rule the entire metal scene. Give up? fck NO. With another lie about the band. Focus on your label and not shit talking bands whom you hate for personal reasons or because of past members. Spreading lies just seems really immature for someone like you. Who gives a fck if "noone you know" has liked remembering never.
Rick Ta Life is stoked. "BLECHHHH BLECHHHH OOOoOoFFF!"
Hey, we got a couple of positive comments on here. For lambgoat, that's good. Lambgoat is full of people who want to talk shit. We aren't huge. We're putting out the music we love, and if we get a little recognition for it, thats cool. You can make fun of us all you want, but they are only words, and we are still going to make music. Yes, we have had shitty tours, yes, we have had low record sales. Either keep trying or give up. We aren't giving up. Plus we like to lick balls.
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This song sucks.The last album was good, this album will blow.