Post CommentThey must need more money so they can travel outside of the u.s. to beat kids. If this is so I support their actions, but not their music.
Band goes hard in teh pit \m/ i be all throwin toilet paper in the air at warp tur and stuff.
I have it from very good sources that Tony Victory's wife's favorite activity is fcking every other dude in Chicago behind his back.
the guy that left a comment before me likes dick
if Lambgoat actually employed real writers, and actually read the lawsuit, you would see that they're suing for WAY more than $75,000.. They're also suing to get out of their contract, money being withheld, and tonsss of other damages. Pretty sweet, and I'm rooting for them!
It says among the complaints you gay idiot. They never claimed it was only for 75,000.
all i read is i'm a big fat sellout and i want more money
not a fan and i think victory is a shady ass label, but after reading adtr's suit i think the bands accusations of breach are bullshit. they signed a shitdeal and are attempting weasel out of it
Anonymous posting gays discussing gay lawsuit.
tony brummel beats more than a day to remember
i hope they get this because victory has fcked mad bands over incuding btbam and its fcking bullshit, i think that too many bands get screwed because the label is trying to make up for the shitty bands that flop and loose them money.
Sooooo, anonymous gays can post shit on here anonymously now? Let the end of all things Slamgoat begin. -Anonymous.
I hate the band and the label. I want both of them to some how lose everything.
ADTR and Emmure both sound like they had some pretty nasty childhoods. Maybe they should get together, talk about their feelings, get some ice cream and go bowling.
Not really into ADTR but fck do I hate Victory. Never not once have I heard good things about that scumbag Tony or the label. Not from one band!
I write for another music website and I'm sure I'm not the only that has been offered but more than a few times Victory has asked me to not write a bad review for said band/offer me things in return for a good review/good publicity. They're a garbage label now and if they're screwing even a shitty band out of money that's not ok.
^ Does other website not use, um, say, COMMAS?
Bands that get screwed by Victory are usually dumbasses for putting themselves in that position, since it is well known that Tony is a scumbag and every band that leaves the label does so on bad terms.
1. Good. Put the screws on Victory/Brummel, please. 2. How can this band justify 75k when only 10 people like them?
huge LOL at thinking a band's a t0tall $ellout br0 for asking for what theyre entitled to. if ADTR really did sell enough shit to yield that amount of cash I hope scumbag Tony is forced to pay up.
Must I remind everyone, it's impossible to sell out when you have no credibility to begin with.
Apparently I should stop working for a living and start playing super generic metal. I could make way more $$$$
The guy that said 10 people like them is a retard. I don't like them, but I know that tons of kids do. What a waste of a comment. Also, Victory has been fcking bands for years. But then bands still sign with them. Hasn't every person in a band heard that Victory is a shitty label? Why do people continue to sign with them? Oh yah, because they get huge after they do. Atreyu, TBS, ADTR, and so on.
A Band To Dismember. Someone kill this gay band, Tony Victory, and 99% of the Victory roster.
Rape flip. All parties involved are huge gays.
Anyone wanna get together later and listen to some Def Leppard records?
Noke air evar. About either this band or Victory. The last good band Vic ever had on it were Snapcase.
"Anyone wanna get together later and listen to some Def Leppard records?" What's wrong with right now?
Remember when this band was Christian. I bet they don't either...
I one heard this band playing at the abortion clinic I took my girlfriend to.
Here's what a victory records contract looks like (specifically that of ADTR) if you're interested. http://www.mediafire.com/? 9nfw62khngk7d26
"Noke air evar. About either this band or Victory. The last good band Vic ever had on it were Snapcase" i am listening to windows right now. you NEVER fck with victory like this, tony will bury them like a do with a bone in the backyard
good for them, they basically say victory put out more than 5 of their required "records" so i don't see how they can't win. fck tony victory!
Stupid kids. Good luck getting your 'royalties' back. You're a dumb band.
Hawthorne Heights sold 2M records and didn't get a penny; I don't see why ADTR ever would. Any band that signs to Victory should expect all their royalties to be spent on VictorMe TV. Also, $75k split between 5 guys is not a lot of cash, and wouldn't cover much of legal fees. Take a hint from real artists: put out a greatest hits and be done with it. Welcome to Epitaph.
this band is retarded and probably just doesn't understand the term "recoup"
It's shopping season ADTR need money to go to the mall ya'll.
My guess is they agreed to a 5-album contract, plus signing bonus based on a flat rate per album instead of a percentage. Which is great if you're on the verge of success and need backing from a bigger label to really get big time, but it ultimately fcks them money-wise in the long run and they want out. Too bad. Enjoy getting creamy Brummel loads dumped in your gay asses.
That dumb ass took $2500 for an original Martin Guitar that was so old it was only a four string...
I love a day to remember, but i feel like they are just trying to get out of their contract. If they signed for a 5-album deal, they should suck it up and do it. They seem greedy to me. If they let it go and had another album out in early 2012 they'd make a lot more than $75 000 in loyalties. I don't care what happens to be honest, as long as ADTR doesn't sell out and go any softer than they already have, then all the power to em, I could care less about what label thier with.
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