Hawthorne Heights sold 2M records and didn't get a penny; I don't see why ADTR ever would. Any band that signs to Victory should expect all their royalties to be spent on VictorMe TV. Also, $75k split between 5 guys is not a lot of cash, and wouldn't cover much of legal fees. Take a hint from real artists: put out a greatest hits and be done with it. Welcome to Epitaph.
Hawthorne Heights sold 2M records and didn't get a penny; I don't see why ADTR ever would. Any band that signs to Victory should expect all their royalties to be spent on VictorMe TV. Also, $75k split between 5 guys is not a lot of cash, and wouldn't cover much of legal fees. Take a hint from real artists: put out a greatest hits and be done with it. Welcome to Epitaph.