Post CommentKids that call metalcore "hardcore" are stoked.
Only gay band like Hot Water Music, Cheap Girls, and Make Do and Mend sign to Rise Records.
anonymous21 minutes ago I love this band. They can do no wrong.----except name their band Miss May I.
They would be good if they didn't sound like Miss May I
How to make your metalcore even more formulaic: release an album every six months
hope it will be more like the first album and less like their second album...first album ripped!
Wow overall lambgoat likes miss may I. What the fck is wrong with you all
i would enjoy hitting them with a giant black dildo.
They did a circle pit around the back of their stage at warped. That was original and semi cool. Aside from that, they're mildly entertaining but nothing original.
Who gives a shit about these midgets? Being #76 on billboard doesn't take much effort anymore you only have to sell 150 cds
anonymous 19 hours ago I love this band. They can do no wrong. Jerk! Don't steal my words. I love this band. They can do no wrong.
Miss May I is fckING rrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRAAAAAAAMA ZIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!
I feel sorry for pre-ordering the second cd I sure as hell won't order the third piece of shit. fck these gays so sick of them.
Ohio bands needing new material are way stoked.
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