Post CommentVery gay tour right chea. Michigan City, IN = mullet town.
will i be molotoving the shit out of mojoes on april the tenth
fck haters, will go for all bands EXCEPT armor for the broken and across the sun (who???)
should be called the 'it's past our bedtime' tour.
4/14 Worcester, NY @ The Palladium (New England Hardcore and Metal Fest) >>did they pick it up and move it?
AGATG are the only good band on this tour. Across the sun is a shitty band signed to metal blade last year.
What we're tryin to say is..take this shit back where it came from.
Attila will get beat up in Michigan... again.
Another band was added...A Bullet For Pretty Boy. Great addition eh?!?!
why won't this kind of "music" just go ahead and die?
unfortunately this is coming to my state
garbage tour except for arsonists get all the girls
Our Last Night will never get out of the US...
i like Vanna but wouldnt pay just to see them
the name of the tour represents how genric this tour is.
"a lot of bands beginning with the letter A" tour
Bands that begin with the letter "A" are stoked
this should be called "The Last-Ditch Effort At Keeping our Shit Bands Relevant In A Dying Scene" Tour. I hope every member of every band gets Bacterial Meningitis and rots. fck off forever
OLN and AFTB are awesome. Atilla needs to GTFO.
vanna is fcking sick along with attila. dont care for the other bands
Can't wait for Attila to get there shit rocked in MI again. hahah I might go just to see that actually. Am I a bad person?
All I gotta say is.....I don't smoke pot
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first post. gay bands, gay tour.