Post CommentWhile I'd rather see stuff like this than another color-variant repress of the same album over and over again, can't Robotic just go back to releasing more things on CD?
because they think gimmicky bullshit like this and multi-color torche releases is the only way they can stay afloat. by the way this is dumb as fcking shit. I rather see a fcking new cd of this band
WHERE THE fck IS THE PG99/COC split & the other 30 things we've been waiting for, fck this gimmick shit.
we won't be seeing them ever. this label is going belly up
might be gimmicky, but sure is a hilarious and cool idea. something fresh in the sea of bro shorts.
I think it's fcking hilarious. Who puts out midi files as an official release?
God Damnit. stole my idea for my christian metalcore band made up of me+4(5 if we decide on a keyboardist) other LG posters
great band and always creative but MIDI is garbage, i don't care who does it
Amazing band. Wish they'd release new shit.
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first post. very cool.