Post CommentI quit music. rest assured, if you plan on attending this, there's now at least one person in the world who wishes you dead
wait for next years version of this gay fest... the "stop or my mom will shoot" fest... seriously, this is the reason why music sucks today...
music sucks today because you exist. wash your mouth out with buckshot, shitstain.
this tour and tours like this are the reason I gave up on heavy music.
Hah really? Another summer tour? I mean, whos idea was this? ANOTHER summer tour. No one will be attending this. Just awful.
Why so many bands? These are all the bands trying to get on bigger support tours just touring together..
son of aurelius>danza>everyone else. what the fck, thats saying something
Danza, Burning The Masses, Son Of Aurelius. Only good bands.
Danza, BTM, COC. No care ever for the rest.
holy shit oceano, AGATG,Tony danza, Thick as blood, burning the masses, and blind witness, hell muthafckig yeah ill be making a trip from nashville to the 7 venue
lake station eagles venue for the win........and for those of you who dont know, i am being very sarcastic
COC and Danza shouldn't be on a tour this awful. ABRB shouldn't even be considered a fcking band.
as blood runs black is headlining, pretty good evidence that people consider them a band.
a few aright bands that i give credit but honestly this music just isnt good. repetitive horrible bullshitttt
this should be called "the bands who cant get on any good summer tours" tour
As Blood Runs Black has been touring on the same goddamn album since 2005. HEADLINING TOURS. What's wrong with this picture?
danza seriously deserves to be touring with good bands, why won't anyone take them out?
$100 Blind Witness doesnt make it across the Canada/US border
Oceano is heavier than all of your mothers combined.
TDTDE is amazing! Screw all of you, legit band, legit dudes!
I wouldn't touch this tour with a ten foot pool.
I think Danza should be healining this. No care ever for all the shitty bands
DANZA > All the bands on the tour
whats up on those sweet child of mine riffs in between grind parts
30min change overs tour. Headliners won't go on unti the next day.
rawdog69 6/17/2010 4:54:48 AM whats up on those sweet child of mine riffs in between grind parts <<that was years ago dude
i think there is a typo with who is headlining and who is supporting...
g;ad to see abrb still doin it, and so stoked for my boys in blind witness. toured w them last year, such good people and a good band.
ha toured w tony danza too...miss those guys.
w00t for danza, so fckin stoked
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first fckin' post. over the vomit is my favorite band of all the time. i hope they win the football cup.