Post CommentThese retard bands need to stay the fck out of my state. Knowing that they will be in Kansas on my birthday is making my fcking teeth clench
These bands need to break up right now.
jesus christ. leave and never come back.
How did I know this would be coming to Toledo...
Dr. Acula<----I see what they did there....still gay.
"A Hero A Fake" sounds like a bad high school band name who got 4th in the battle of the bands and started to tour or some other gay shit
"Attila, Dr. Acula, Blind Witness, and A Hero A Fake Tour will be touring together in May and early-June. Dates include:" hahaha A Hero A Fake Tour is the band
Hey blind witness!!! you are gays!!! Go fck youselves!!!
this wins the award for the worst tour EVER!
they should tour themselves off a fcking cliff
Good to see another tour consisting of utter shit.
This tour needs to get smashed when it comes to Michigan. Worst bands fcking ever.
This is a tour where people should stop talking about beating a bands ass and actually do it.
A Hero A Fake Tour....So this is a Fake Tour? Sweet.
genre-flip please please please please
This just in: four talentless bands that no one over the age of 14 gives a fck about are touring together. Hopefully someone will pull a Mark Chapman on these fcking wastes of life
yea yall boys relax its just a fake tour.
as a person who lives in atlanta and hated the first attila record, they let me listen to the new record and it is actually really fcking good.
breee_yourself 3/10/2010 1:36:21 PM GEN-Attila hehe
this is the best tour ever. These bands are so good and heavy and breakdowns and twosteps and shorts and gauges and fights and hottopic.
didn't see that ahaf was on it. they are gayer
hey attila you're vocalist owes my mom 250 from the abortion she got, you can for get your 15 dollar guarantees from this tour, she also has the clap, two words
there will be a maximum of 8 kids at every show
these are honestly the worst bands ive ever heard.
xthexoncomingxstormx 3/12/2010 3:43:55 AM there will be a maximum of 8 kids at every show
fightme 3/10/2010 4:27:38 PM as a person who lives in atlanta and hated the first attila record, they let me listen to the new record and it is actually really fcking good. FanFlip
I hope all of them flip their fcking vans and die. Eat shit Dr. Acula.
philadelphia_breadsmasher 3/14/2010 4:54:15 PM why will only shitty tours come to Toledo, wait... because i live in a shithole. FML like i said
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FIRST POST, attila is getting way to big for my comfort