Post CommentAbout fcking time. Not one sect of kids is bummed.
farts, several of them. farting. farted. frrrt. farts.
oh noooo what am i gonna do without ma meathead rock
This band was awesome! They sounded just like old school Soulfly. Sucks they broke up.
About time, this band turned to shit. Should have just stuck to being a straight edge hardcore band instead of the numetal/pantera rip off stuff they were doing the last few years
shit band from home state breaks up, no one cares.
if it wasnt for bad luck, this band wouldnt have any luck at all
Ian Friedman Esq., contracting record deals since 1921
i went to a show one time where they were playing (first mistake). i left after one band and they begged me to stay? started bribing me and shit. i walked away half way through the guitarists sentence. good news here.
Not as pure as they thought they were I guess.
terrible shit, couldn't be happier
I guess someone finally "gave him the blade."
Go back to when you were just another face in the crowd
Band: Too Pure To Die Me: To Uninterested To Care
hahahaha, god and you gays complain about us! hahaha. whatever happened to "fading away"? seriously, my band aside. what the fck has happened to kids today?!
just announced...GENERIC METALCORE BROKE UP TODAY! we have all decided to do "other stuff" because our hearts were never in it to begin with we figure we would tell you all so you would beg us to never quit, ever!
killwhitneydead still fcking sucks, shut the hell up.
I'm also mad that I am not mentioned in the thanks Jordan!
TPTD is one of the best bands in Hardcore right now. btw Jamey Jasta bought a TPTD t-shirt and TPTD flat-bill, wore it in some new promo pics.
Someone forgot to tell this band that Throwdown is already doing the hardcore/pantera thing. sheesh. i USED to like this band.
stop posting this shitty fcking news. no one cared about this fcking band. good riddance i guess.
virus_dot_exe - yes we do but i am happy to say we will never break up.
they accomplished everything, including sucking dck
killwhitneydead > too pure to die. its funny that they say "we all felt like we had accomplished our goals" they must have set their standards really really low. who wants to be a "b list" I mean a "d list" band.... truth is, they never sold
this band WAS good when they were playing with obw back in the day.....now theyre doing the scene a favor by breaking up. thanks guys!
A fake one-person band can't break up. Insane Clown Posse > KWD
look like they have to carry the blame......
"TPTD is breaking up because we all felt like we had accomplished our goals." ahahahahahah
ah shit...trustkill has a spot open for another band??? stop them before they sign a rise band
damn, my gf's brother will be bummed. i on the other hand will not be. hahahahahahaha gays!
"A fake one-person band can't break up. Insane Clown Posse > KWD" finall, someone figured it out. i cannot break up with myself. ICP however? not really. i wear more make-up than those clowns!
oh yeah since NOCAREEVER likes to talk shit on various posts about KWD -- i will say it again for the "slow" person in the room...
..., remove your head from your jerk. there are 4 of us in the same band for 5 years now dckhead. jesus, hate on us all you want but at least get your facts straight makes you look like an idiot. oh wait, you are one. tell tommy i said hello,
i would exchange this shit band getting back together and going 10x platinum if it means that killwhitneydead break up,tribunal goes bust and this moron shoots his face off.
Being straightedge myself and being from Iowa, I am kind of bummed. I honestly doubt they would give two fcks about someone who supported them and not from the 515.
this band was fcking hard back in the day. the original line up shows would actually be fun.
The world could do without having another band that thinks it's cool to piss on bums, yet calling other people degenerates. Good riddance you fcking gays.
I love KWD. Can't wait to see yall again next summer!
thank you jesus. where's throwdown at? they need to take a cue from these dudes.
I hope Jordan Peterson starts a solo project.
looks like some bands just are not as good as Creed , they just can't handle it
Are they back together yet? No? fcking awesome
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first post. excellent news.