Post CommentConducting From the Grave is the only good band on this tour.
It's the "Hurry The fck-Up and Vanflip Already Tour." Thank you for not coming to Michigan.
zukkahmahdeek00 3/27/2009 10:35:08 PM Conducting From the Grave is the only good band on this tour. gay
This is more gay than homosexual relations.
4/26 Plano, TX @ The Max FAIL too many washed up scene gays who turned into dude bro's
Diskreet is legit, I dont know why there on this tour though.
diskreet...good dudes. anyone know wtf happened to cftg? lol at that
so the name of their band and the way they spell it is Diskreet. thats pretty dumb.
Van flip please this tour sucks thanks for avoiding my part of va by an hour
Blackchapel already vanflipped though...
i normally don't talk shit but this tour sucks.
cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. ** i wish the internet displayed sarcasm **
this tour should come to VA, burning the masses brings the sweep arpeggios
the best part about this tour is that it doesn't come within 10 hours of where i live.
all you fcking bastufft hobbit tankass gays can suck it dry. can't wait for this shit to hit texas.
come to the az show gays so i can smash your dicks with my mouth
lol @ liferuiner and the world we knew being on it the 4/26 dallas date. and lol @ it being called metalfest.
The bassist of diskreet is actually not playing when on stage. He has a sample pad that plays his parts in time with their music. Also this bands van doesnt drive, it only flips.
Burning the Masses are outrageously talented! I can't believe they're such a young band!
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