Post Commenthorrible band tours with shit band, NEXT on no care ever news, tonight at 11
pretty bad tour. as much as i love the dudes in tptd.. this can't be good
BE is a local band from my hometown. All the guys are pretty solid dudes. Just not excited about this tour at allllllll
too pure to die is fcking garbage. oh sleeper can do better.
god damn the dallas/ ft worth area should be ashamed for this
too pure to do a good tour....since trustkill no good tours. sucks shoulda stayed with ash
i'm pretty sure someone on this tour has touched a dick
there is one proper BELLE EPOQUE and it's bloody fantastic screqamo band from France. This one sucks as fck :P
I love these threads! too tough to cry, to queer to be bi, regardless I hear that new TPTD sounds like fcking Drowning Pool.
as much as I fcking hate straight edge people with every inch of life inside of me...Paul from TPTD is one cool mother fcker
I took shit this morning it was real bad. Looks like somebody took it and made it into a tour...
None of these bands are good but TPTD is the worst
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To pure to poop