Post Commentawful awful awful awful awful awful awful
Stay on the East Coast. You are not welcome here.
Won't you be my guy...im really gay im really gay im really gay im really gay. Tour flip.
Too pure to die are nice dudes and put on a good show!
^^^ responses like that are the reason these guys are "news only" posters
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, are you fcking joking? like, really? this is seriously happening? hahah. everything-immaginable flip. fck.
where the fck are TPTD gonna play in Oshawa since the only decent venue just shut down?
Sweet! A) Not Coming Near Me B) Even if it did, I would save beer money that I am not spending on this tour.
dear canada, i'm sorry.. frankie the keyboard tough guy may come get for this one...
*People are news only cause they care more about the news than a blog board where everyone is calling each other gays with nothing incitement to say.
lordshredder 8/8/2008 4:40:31 PM *People are news only cause they care more about the news than a blog board where everyone is calling each other gays with nothing incitement to say. ..............incitement????????? really now
i thought i told emmure to fckin die already....god awful live and please someone make this band vanflip there sorry asses off a cliff
won't you be my bride - fck yeh cannot wait for this - fck off gays this show will thrash
im sure the tuffness on this tour will cause a van flip,
i'm stoked for this! because it's not in my country (c wat i did ther?)
All members of this tour are bound to fight each other.
Farewell to freeway is a band name? oh my god, freeway flip.
I would like to apologize to canada on behalf of everyone for this atrocity of a tour.
at least its not the US tptd's cool doods but why are they on tour with shit?
why the fck is emmure still a band? that's just beyond me.
haloxxxmoshcore 8/8/2008 5:16:18 PM won't you be my bride - fck yeh cannot wait for this - fck off gays this show will thrash ^^haha i love this kid so much that i hope he gets hit by a high speed train!^^
hopefully one of them flips their van, and the other one runs right into it!
hopefully they dont fare well on the freeway and flip this entire tour.
"*People are news only cause they care more about the news than a blog board where everyone is calling each other gays with nothing incitement to say." I would like to add to that that anyone who posts on the Lambgoat board is a total gay.
not enough breakdowns on this tour. thats for sure. just kidding. go cry to the bayside cd some more cananada flip
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