Post CommentNecrophagist and Neuraxis for canadia, and we get black dahlia muder??? ridiculous.
im just glad summer slaughter US has psycroptic.
why the fck couldnt neuraxis and necrophagist be in the states. fck YOU BLACK DAHLIA MURDER
wow, gay fcking tour except for BTM and WC what a fcking piece of shit. Ash is just laughing at us Canadians. Seriously, fck Ash Avildsen.
deathcoresucks 4/25/2008 11:07:59 AM Canda SST > US SST bombs_away 4/25/2008 1:37:16 PM we got jipped
"Summers Laughter Tour". = Leonard of Cephalic Carnage
shit, except maybe necrophagist, who is really really talented shit.
redandblackink 4/25/2008 12:05:02 PM summer's laughter. Clever.
Necrophagist, dying fetus, and beneath the massacre! That's amazing in itself to me, I hope the other bands are stoked to be on this tour, I know I would be.
Sick! Tickets will prolly cost my tuition and my left nut
fck you little alex. quit being a pssy and go to the show.
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