Having the time and energy
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 5:32:40 PM
Even if you were just walking your dog and are able to just casually post here effortlessly at the same time, you could probably be walking your dog a lot better if you weren't.
VodkaVeins 12/20/2021 5:36:41 PM
It takes a lot of focus to ensure your dog sniffs the bush sufficiently before unloading 5% of its bladder and moving along for 45 mins
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/20/2021 5:46:10 PM
lol.... knuckle dragging mouth breather asks if others knuckles are bleeding
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 5:49:28 PM
BULLHEAD 6 minutes ago
i like to chat it up with my buddies on here
Ok this makes a lot of sense and would make it worthwhile. It's a pretty cool way to chat I guess.
I haven't had buddies in 10 years so I wouldn't know. I think it shows.
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 5:59:24 PM
Sorry, I just started really thinking about all of this after evil hero said something about posting on ayahuasca. I've never done it before but I was thinking if I thought about posting on acid or mushrooms I would be too freaked out by the concept of it and question why I would feel the need to.
I'm just overthinking things most likely. The weird thing is that after you trip you eventually forget about things you may have realized and you gradually go back to what you know is normal. For some people, that seems to be consistently posting on lambgoat which makes sense if thats how you talk to your buddies or something like that.
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 6:02:36 PM
I'd ask why you guys are playing a guessing game as to who this is but I think I've asked enough questions for the day. It's not any of those. Webby could confirm that
arkansanpolarbearheater 12/20/2021 6:08:29 PM
I'm not up to something but I think I spent too much time on this thought.