easyhateoven 12/10/2021 10:55:03 AM
i bet barb gets a lot of ladies. hes cute and witty. chicks love that
jimbo 12/10/2021 10:56:35 AM
rick has had it up to here
*holds hand out in front of testicular region*
rick_tocchet 12/10/2021 10:59:01 AM
jimbo 1 minute ago
rick has had it up to here
*holds hand out in front of testicular region*
rick_tocchet 12/10/2021 11:02:03 AM
Yes babrba. You get your own thread to call out all your bleeding pussy induced posting and how much of a beta you are.
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/10/2021 11:04:29 AM
rick_tocchet is like, it's our idiot, ya know, if someone off the board were talkin shit like an ohmycar, spork, or trind im gonna tell em to stfu, but rick_tocchet basically lives his days as Donnie from TBL
HOUSE_OF_HORSEKONNEN 12/10/2021 11:07:30 AM
you take rick_tocchet to guatemala and everyone has drinks around the table, in a fit of hilarity as the conversation reaches a comedic pitch Rick, sounding like Don Vito, gurbles out "Well yabba gabba you brought me to Gumamama"
rick_tocchet 12/10/2021 11:12:49 AM
I spent some time on the south coast of Jamaica. They understood me pretty well down there in their patois.
rick_tocchet 12/10/2021 11:13:17 AM
But i am sure you know way more than i do about the south coast of jamaiaca than me xander.