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Grossest foods you loved as a kid

Serious 9/2/2021 1:28:20 PM
Just looking at these makes me want to puke https://youtu.be/EWFOwkYEwMA

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 1:31:38 PM
i puked up a bunch of kraft mac & cheese when i was a kid and then i couldn't eat it for years

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 1:32:05 PM
i can eat it now, if i have to. and i also love to eat puke now

Serious 9/2/2021 1:33:33 PM
I did the same with KFC Mac and cheese. Probably 25+ years ago and I still can't even stomach the smell without gagging.

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 2:07:16 PM
Serious 43 minutes ago I still eat spaghettios w/ franks.

AnalButt 9/2/2021 2:32:03 PM
Taco Bell

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 2:43:56 PM
i had taco bell recently and i have to say it wasn't very good

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 2:54:51 PM
Taco Bell has either suffered some serious quality decline, or my palate is more refined than it should be (but i'm praising Flamin' Hot mac n cheese and SpaghettiOs with hotdogs in this thread so I dont think its the latter)

shitinyourhand 9/2/2021 3:02:39 PM
spaghettios are f*cking terrible.. they taste like vomit

shitinyourhand 9/2/2021 3:02:59 PM
once i mixed them with real vomit i knew they were of the same origins

willy_wanker 9/2/2021 4:04:48 PM
ketchup on scrambled eggs. just thinking about it now makes me dry heave

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 4:09:03 PM
Scrambled eggs is one of the few instances where i enjoy ketchup... Im the lurkcity of this thread. I'll eat all this stuff.

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 4:10:42 PM
Oh man I love ketchup on some scrambly eggs

AnalButt 9/2/2021 4:11:00 PM
My dad put mustard on his eggs. It wasn't that bad but I haven't tried it in years

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 4:16:05 PM
i've done that