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Grossest foods you loved as a kid

Serious 9/2/2021 11:25:06 AM
On the topic of condensed soup, years ago I experimented with different hot dog dipping sauces and discovered thickened bean with bacon soup tastes amazing on a hot dog.

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 11:34:01 AM
I didin't realize there was condensed bean n bacon...

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 11:35:29 AM
Baked beans + hotdogs is dope though and definitely doesn't belong in this thread.

Serious 9/2/2021 11:35:36 AM
One of my life goals is to shake it out if the can in one solid can shaped piece.

ej 9/2/2021 11:36:14 AM
skinsuit 25 minutes ago You really wanted that dick, didn't you? projecting

VodkaVeins 9/2/2021 11:37:44 AM
Serious 1 minute ago One of my life goals is to shake it out if the can in one solid can shaped piece. Always satisfying when refried beans do that

ShaolinLambKiller 9/2/2021 11:55:19 AM
Pilgrim that is not a southern thing at all.

ShaolinLambKiller 9/2/2021 11:56:24 AM
Lol weird ej I didn't even see that xo.ment. lol

Portslob 9/2/2021 12:36:20 PM
Spam. Loved it. Probably Still do. I just don't eat it

shitinyourhand 9/2/2021 12:45:31 PM
i remember spaghettios being good until one time i just vurped a bunch of them up after eating them and never had them again in my life after that point

Serious 9/2/2021 1:22:40 PM
I still eat spaghettios w/ franks. I wish they'd sell them in bulk, but I only ever see disgusting meatball ones.

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 1:24:10 PM
remember those celery sticks with the peanut butter and the raisins?

BULLHEAD 9/2/2021 1:24:47 PM
ants on a log, they called it

Serious 9/2/2021 1:24:55 PM
Yeah, they were good. But my parents sprinkled them with chocolate chips and sprinkles and it killed whatever nutritional value it had.

Serious 9/2/2021 1:26:42 PM
I remember my parents bought me quaker oatmeal with dissolving dinosaur eggs that made it a sickly pink color, and one day while I was eating it my cat puked right next to me and it was the exact same color, so I started gagging and puked all over.