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Darkest Hour, Zao, Bloodlet, Drowningman

iwilladapt 6/2/2022 4:38:06 PM
that new zao is so good. if darkest hour were to only play material from hidden hands and mark of the judas this really would be a hell of a show.

simon_belmont 7/11/2022 1:55:36 PM
This is tomorrow. I think I'm going. I'll be the guy who cannot stop farting.

Barbara 7/11/2022 2:02:54 PM
You're gonna have to narrow it down more

dayman 7/11/2022 2:07:45 PM
i almost went to see darkest hour but i was like nah i dont care

simon_belmont 7/11/2022 2:08:35 PM
They're headlining. I'll probably leave midway through their set. I want to see the other 3

evil_hero 7/11/2022 2:09:27 PM
simon brodys a chump

nothinlefttogive 7/11/2022 2:38:40 PM
Where is this?

simon_belmont 7/11/2022 2:40:59 PM
Palladium. Believe it or not, it's closer to where I live now than going to the show in Brooklyn.

nothinlefttogive 7/11/2022 4:38:34 PM
Nice. I'm probably not going to either because I'm boring. I'm usually in Bristol on Tuesdays, but not tomorrow...

TheMoustacheMassacre 7/11/2022 6:44:06 PM
I think I liked their first two.

simon_belmont 7/12/2022 6:25:42 PM
The bands are good but this venues sound is trash. Like ridiculously bad. I've been in vfw halls that sound better. Met Brody. Also met Fusco. Old LG poster party here.

lake_flaccid 7/12/2022 7:18:53 PM
Let me know how darkest hour is if you stay. They're only playing toxic holocaust in CA and I probably won't go.

easyhateoven 7/12/2022 7:30:16 PM
dayman 1 day ago i almost went to see darkest hour but i was like nah i dont care cool story, gay

evil_hero 7/12/2022 7:44:57 PM
fusco in the houuuseee

simon_belmont 7/12/2022 9:23:45 PM
Left after about 20 mins of darkest hour. Just a long ride home. I was able to cut it short to get there by working out that way during the day. They were fine, though. I'm not really a follower of them so I don't know. They were doing an album in its entirety. Drowningman plays most of my favorites. Sadder Than Saturday, A Quick Prayer. Bloodlet was good but god the sound was so bad. Same with Zao. They played Savannah and 5 Year Winter for some oldies.