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Hear about that lady cyclist in montana who got eaten?

BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 12:05:56 PM
Dragged right out of her tent by a grizzly

nothinlefttogive 7/10/2021 12:06:39 PM
If it's brown, lay down...no?

BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 12:07:49 PM
I biked and camped right in that same place as well as similar places. Imagine youre all cozy in your tent and then next thing you know you're getting eaten alive by a bear? It sounds shitty to me, to be honest. Im getting out of grizzly country

Portslob 7/10/2021 12:14:20 PM
Bear gotta eat

BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 12:17:41 PM
Their populations are rising and they're encroaching on human populated areas more and research shows they've gone nocturnal to avoid people. Which is not a good thing if you're camping though.

Portslob 7/10/2021 12:22:26 PM
I actually read an interesting article a few years back.. there's actually more forest now than there was 100 years ago… everything used to be built with wood, then steel took over.. reforestation laws and conservation laws were put in place.. wildlife is back. I live in the city and we got wild turkeys walking around, coyotes, deer, hawks, eagles.. I never saw any of this shot when I was a kid

BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 12:28:11 PM
Interesting observation but I'm not sure if that would hold up to scientific scrutiny

Barbara 7/10/2021 12:29:12 PM

Barbara 7/10/2021 12:29:44 PM
I went to the aquarium, the oceans are fine too

BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 12:33:41 PM
here's a news story about the bear attack. poor old lady https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/07/08/victim-grizzly-bear-attack-montana-identified/7899432002/

Portslob 7/10/2021 1:00:11 PM
I'm serious. I was shocked too. I wish I could remember where I read it. I could cite it

Kvin 7/10/2021 1:05:19 PM

Barbara 7/10/2021 1:05:24 PM
There are more trees and some random wildlife in some areas I'm sure. Look at birds and bugs though. Plankton, algae, etc are getting ratf*cked and that's where most of our o2 comes from.

Barbara 7/10/2021 1:06:12 PM
Do you think she was listening to that Bloodbath song when it happened

simon_belmont 7/10/2021 1:07:58 PM
We have a weird coywolf population in new Haven. You can hear them howling at night. It's kind of creepy. They don't attack humans. But they eat peoples pets. Im pretty sure they shit in my backyard too. Turds that resemble dog turds back there. Could be my neighbors taking their dog back there though I guess.