Hear about that lady cyclist in montana who got eaten?
simon_belmont 7/10/2021 1:08:34 PM
That was in reference to portslob. I forgot to copy and paste though.
BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 1:14:12 PM
i'm talking about huge scary grizzly bears and you're talking about little tiny coyotes? gimme a break
simon_belmont 7/10/2021 1:15:38 PM
We live in parts of the world that are over-developed. Although, there are lots of bear sightings in northern CT now. More and more. Also these coywolves are using my backyard as their personal toilet
simon_belmont 7/10/2021 1:16:51 PM
Nice to see you back, by the way. I watched The Descendents documentary the other day. Pretty good
BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 1:19:56 PM
i didn't really like that documentary when i saw it a few years ago. i thought it was a little too "cutesy" and bill stevenson is kinda annoying. i like The Descendents but i don't love them. they have some godawful songs. the song Van is literally one of the worst songs i've ever heard in my life
simon_belmont 7/10/2021 1:23:20 PM
I took you for a Descendents fan. But the vocals actually aren't really that annoying so that makes sense that you don't really like them.
BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 1:26:08 PM
My World is their best song. i used to put that song on every mixed tape
BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 1:27:34 PM
they also had a song called I Wanna Be a Bear which ties together quite nicely with this thread
BULLHEAD 7/10/2021 1:34:57 PM
Humans are cess, I wanna be a bear
I wanna shit in the woods
In my cave, hunt my prey
Could be you, I wanna have food