AlbumsFebruary 28, 20247,607 views

Darkest Hour Perpetual | Terminal

Perpetual | Terminal
1. Perpetual Terminal 2. Societal Bile 3. A Prayer to The Holy Death 4. The Nihilist Undone 5. One With The Void 6. Amor Fati 7. Love Is Fear 8. New Utopian Dream 9. Mausoleum 10. My Only Regret 11. Goddess of War, Give Me Something To Die For
2024 MNRK Music Group
Our score 8


It's hard not to give Darkest Hour a round of applause simply based on how long they've been around. They've been ripping their particular brand of driving, ripping melodic death metal heavily inspired by the mid 90's wave of now legendary Swedish death metal stalwarts such as At The Gates and In Flames for 20 plus years now, a literal eternity of time when it comes to extreme metal. In their formative years they were labeled as a metalcore band by both fans and detractors, and while there's certainly slight elements of hardcore and the DIY ethos of punk in their music, I've always considered them a metal band through and through. None the less, seminal albums from the band like the vicious Hidden Hands Of A Sadist Nation and epic and melodic Undoing Ruin (perhaps their most popular and celebrated record overall) have remained beloved by legions of fans of metal and hardcore worldwide.  

While later records from the band like The Human Romance from the mid 2010's focused heavily on the more melodic aspects of the band, they threw a pretty big curveball with their 2017 return record Godless Prophets & The Migrant Flora, which stood as maybe the hardest hitting and outright heaviest record the band had put out to date (Hidden Hands aside.). It was a welcome and unexpected surprise after the band had seemingly settled into a specific formula of catchy melodic metal, and turned the heads of both new listeners and old fans alike with it's caustic, chaotic nature.

Seven years from the start of this new era, the band have returned with their 10th full length Perpetual | Terminal which retains much of the last record's urgent nature and punch while also bringing back many of the huge and catchy melodic moments they became so well known for from the release of Undoing Ruin forward. 

The first indicator of this is it's opening title track, an almost 6 minute song that could have just as well served as the closing track of this record as much as it's opening statement. Playing hard into the strength the band has always had writing great melodic leads and driving, anthemic courses, it almost feels like a thesis of the band's entire career so far in the form of a song, as does the entire record itself. Follow up song “Societal Bile” is just as chaotic and crazy as anything from their earlier years, an absolute barn burner that shows Darkest Hour aren't content with just settling into one specific sound on this one. 

Meanwhile,  Midpoint song “One With The Void" throws another wrench into expectations with one of the most mid paced and melodic songs Darkest Hour have ever presented, featuring some truly excellent clean vocal passages that pair brilliantly with the songs heavily melodic guitar leads. This juxtaposition of shorter, heavier ragers that harken back to the band's early days coupled with the more epic, melodic moments in other songs is a hard balancing act to achieve thematically, but there's enough of both elements here to please any longtime fans who might be looking for a particular aspect of the band's sound. 

For me, it's always going to be the stage dive inducing songs, and luckily songs like “The Nihilist Undone” and “Love Is Fear” deliver these hard hitting heavy moments and then some. Once you get to acoustic intro of the epic closing song “Goddess of War, Give Me Something to Die For” everything comes full circle in a way where this record feels like both a late effort from a band renewed and a snapshot into their career as a whole.

This leads to a big takeaway from this record and the band in general: while there were countless American bands that borrowed more than just a little bit from the Swedish death metal movement from the early 2000' and onward, Darkest Hour have always been the top dogs of this side of the pond. As with any great metal band, it all comes down to the killer riffs and rhythm sections that they've consistently brought to the table. They've always had a knack for writing songs that are heavy as fuck, catchy and memorably anthemic, something many of their peers simply could never accomplish on the same level. 

While I personally feel they fell into a bit of a lull after Undoing Ruin, this record continues the renewed spark of creativity that seems to have hit the band on Migrant Flora, and it's a treat to see a band that's this deep into their career continue to push themselves forward with some of their most exciting material yet. While far from new territory for the band, it's clear they've got quite a ways to go before calling it.

Bottom Line: Perpetual | Terminal is a huge reminder of why Darkest Hour became such a talked about band in the metal scene in the first place, and the rare later record from a legacy band that still retains the creative spark and urgency of their earlier, beloved efforts while also pushing forward with bigger riffs, bigger choruses, and just overall bigger songs. If they're planning on dropping this much heat on later efforts, here's to another 20+ years.


Post Comment
anonymous 2/28/2024 8:13:51 AM

Your parents named you Eliot with one L because the moment they saw that floor-buffed-at-birth face of yours they knew you were gonna pick up plenty of L's along the way, so why bother

Bortslob 2/28/2024 8:23:15 AM

Hey look Eliot is back! No Zulu no 9

easyhateoven 2/28/2024 8:26:47 AM

if they had a black singer, this could have been a 9, at least

anonymous 2/28/2024 8:29:11 AM


anonymous 2/28/2024 8:57:50 AM

Your reviews are dogshit but at least you don't come back being a little bitch boy and humiliate yourself in the comments because everyone trashes how shit your reviews and you yourself are, like Eliot does. oh wait

anonymous 2/28/2024 9:00:23 AM

Darkest GOO

anonymous 2/28/2024 9:06:36 AM

you used the word ripping twice in the same sentence.

toxicnacho 2/28/2024 9:11:48 AM

Have you ever heard Darkest Hour? Giving this an 8 is comical my guy. It's a 5.5/6 at best.

anonymous 2/28/2024 9:18:31 AM

The only reason anyone has heard of this shit band is because of their stint on Battle for Ozzfest on MTV back in the day. They were insufferable then, as well.

anonymous 2/28/2024 9:19:42 AM

"Darkest Hour have always been the top dogs of this side of the pond." LOL. What the f*ck ever.

lake_flaccid 2/28/2024 9:23:33 AM

People are really enjoying this record, it's definitely more than a 5 or even a 6. It's not what I wanted from them but it's one of the better records they've done since Deliver Us.

lake_flaccid 2/28/2024 9:24:34 AM

Those clean vocals are not good though, they need to cut that shit out

anonymous 2/28/2024 10:29:37 AM

If you were to rank all the Lambgoat reviews, all of Eliots reviews would tie for last. I bet he comes in last place in everything in his life and always has

anonymous 2/28/2024 10:36:20 AM

I don't understand the rationale in this review. Love darkest hours older material but this record is boring and stale. An 8? Really?

anonymous 2/28/2024 10:56:07 AM

Besides 'Sadist' the best record was produced by Kurt Ballou. This one is mediocre and I enjoy this band. No way it hits an 8.

anonymous 2/28/2024 10:58:47 AM

Extremely bad review

anonymous 2/28/2024 2:15:40 PM

Lambgoat commenters are trash. Typical crybaby elitist cringe posts. 0/10, go touch grass

lake_flaccid 2/28/2024 2:39:59 PM

^^ What were you expecting? The sites 20 years old now

anonymous 2/28/2024 2:45:08 PM

Lambgoat commenters are trash. Typical crybaby elitist cringe posts. 0/10, go touch grass ^^^ the irony of this dweeb. Take a hike.

anonymous 2/28/2024 3:29:26 PM

That's Eliot crying anonymously

anonymous 2/28/2024 4:35:03 PM

Surprised that worthless retard hasn't been in here pouting again.

anonymous 2/28/2024 7:19:16 PM

Extra points for being commies I guess. Also Zulu >>> this trash.

anonymous 2/28/2024 11:58:38 PM

I guess Lurk reinstated Eliot but only if he pinky promises not to look at the comment section

anonymous 2/29/2024 5:06:31 AM

Eliot is really doing every band a big disservice by reviewing their albums. If a peabrain mongrel like him likes it then people are going to automatically think it sucks ass and not listen to it

anonymous 2/29/2024 5:53:36 AM

LG: home to internet bullies that couldn't pick a vagina out of a lineup since what 2002?

anonymous 2/29/2024 6:26:52 AM

^gift giver and stinky feet purveyor

anonymous 2/29/2024 9:23:47 AM

anonymous 3 hours ago LG: home to internet bullies that couldn't pick a vagina out of a lineup since what 2002? No joke Eliot I wouldn't be surprised one bit if you are still a virgin. And I'm not saying that just to insult you cause that's too easy. You legitimately have not had sex with a woman in your lifetime ever

anonymous 2/29/2024 10:15:11 AM

So you're saying that if you like this review and record you get laid? That's a stretch, along with an 8.

anonymous 2/29/2024 1:41:41 PM

"ripping their particular brand of driving, ripping" Enough said, clown boy

anonymous 2/29/2024 6:45:02 PM

Migrant Flora was sick, this was mid as f*ck.

anonymous 3/1/2024 5:28:31 PM

Do they still ripp off at the gates ?

Jimmyfloyd 3/2/2024 6:28:30 PM

They've been ripping their particular brand of driving, ripping melodic death metal heavily inspired by the mid 90's wave of now legendary Swedish death metal stalwarts such as At The Gates and In Flames for 20 plus years now, a literal eternity of time when it comes to extreme metal. Oh God make it stop

anonymous 3/3/2024 5:18:22 PM

Rick's stalker here, where is his penis so I can suck on it.

anonymous 3/4/2024 6:09:47 AM

anonymous 4 days ago Your parents named you Eliot with one L because the moment they saw that floor-buffed-at-birth face of yours they knew you were gonna pick up plenty of L's along the way, so why bother---At Least He Knows, Who His Parents Are.

anonymous 3/4/2024 10:49:01 AM

You're a piece of shit, Eliot

anonymous 3/4/2024 12:30:23 PM

Embarrassing, man-child comments section.

anonymous 3/5/2024 5:02:08 AM

^ Eliot just go ahead and login and have another meltdown already

anonymous 3/5/2024 2:34:50 PM

The guitar work on this album is uninspired as f*ck. Faking those solos for all those have taken a lot out of them.

anonymous 3/5/2024 6:36:57 PM

Break up. This album sucks balls and cocks

anonymous 3/7/2024 1:29:19 PM

Another bangin album from the doods! Keep killin it!

easyhateoven 3/7/2024 3:13:01 PM

ripping ripping ripping

anonymous 3/9/2024 4:43:58 PM

Lame ass feminist pander-core coming from a 46 year old ghoul that cant even grow a proper mustache.