Post CommentIf this band had kept the 4 Vehemence guys, they would have maybe been something. Instead it just sounds like a late arrival on the Black Dahlia tribute bandwagon (which All Shall Perish have already perfected). Vehemence-God Was Created is all that will ever remotely matter with regards to death/black/metalcore.
f*ck this band. Vehemence> Kyds Vs. Columbus >
I wasn't too stoked on this, but the fact that there was no mention of the top-notch drumming on this ep is an atrocity.
i like this disc a lot, i would throw it in the 7/10 range
I remember when this band played shitty scene bree Deathcore at every show I went to... the new material is a major improvment, but still not very good... AZ needs better bands...
the man is right, tho in my opinion i think this band is actually really bad considering the fact that it contains members of Vehemence. Yet another poorly done/overated metalcore band.
Yeah, but the keyboard player is smoking hot.
Vehemence f*cking owns... they still play shows together here every once and a while, and Im hoping they reform and at least release another album...
c*ntSnot, you're a liar. AW was never bree, and Vehemence will not reform, nor do they play "every now and then"
I used to disregard this band as shitty scene metal, but after finally giving them a chance I really like this EP. The riffs are pretty well thought out, the keyboards add a nice touch, and the drumming definitley is top notch and helps form the songs. I'm excited to hear a full-length. And the "breakdowns" aren't core sounding. You could never mosh to this stuff like All Shall Perish. I don't know why everyone keeps saying shit like that.
i'd say 6/10. Okay, but it's been done death.
c*ntSnot, you're a liar. AW was never bree, and Vehemence will not reform, nor do they play "every now and then" posted by Carrion () on 4/9/2007 10:11:08 AM actually, they were, before the whole lead singer/keyboardist assault thing... they played bull shit, but kicked out several members and changed their sound... also, Vehemence last year did a reuinion show, and plan on doing more in the future
Their drummer is the previous drummer of The Black Dahlia Murder. He joined this band after Miasma. Ashley (the keyboardist) is no longer in the band.
no c*ntsnot, Conner didn't bree, so there. Vehemence did a show post Nate leaving, but I doubt it will happen again. John is a gay now. Are you John?
Conner didn't do brees, so there. They played once with Nate back on vocals, but doubt it will happen ever again. Nate has He Who Binds Himself and John is a gay now. Are you John? I know more than you do, so suck me.
He did brees, and their music sounded like f*cking JFAC until several members left, then they play their current shit... and no matter what you say, Vehemence did a reunion show... and Im not John, sorry... where do you live in AZ?
God awful band break up and reform vehemence
I have never done a "bree" in my life... I dont even know how to do that shit.
Im in Mesa... just curious... are you going to the show at Hell House this Saturday?
Im in Mesa... just curious... are you going to the show at Hell House this Saturday?
reviewer is obviously homo. no mention of the awesome drumming. 7/10 easily.
^^^^^ Lol @ you for not knowing about pro tools
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