Post CommentOfgo, you are a f*cking dumb gay. This album f*cking rules from start to finish, and there isn't really a weak point on it.
outside of new U2 being really bad, how is bono as an individual a joke? the guy has done more for human rights and helping people in the worst of places than really just about any one politician you can name in office. and unlike a lot of other celebrities with bumper-sticker causes, he's actually gotten somewhere with helping people in africa, because he does more than just interviews and magazine ads, but actively campaigning and being involved.
definately a couple of weak points on the album, but some ripping songs very reminiscent of a place called home. good review cory.
record gets a 10/10. First off, Sunday bloody sunday is redone and changed for this album thats why it's on there, plus they still play it live. The band has expanded musically without a doubt, its not even the same guitarists now. The song Fear is our Tradition was a california united song and they took that same direction with some of the others, i dont know what the else this dude wants them to do???... And as far as Ignite not sounding like anyone....no discredit to them, they were basicall
I would give this shit a 9/10. The album could have had a stronger ending to it which is the only half a point missing, the other half of the negative point i would say is that they DID experiment, just not in the right department.
actually f*ck it. the previous albums had a different type of variety among the songs. they brought something new to the table this time around. its a f*cking 9.5/10 album... again... only half a point taken away for the not so perfect finish.
This album is ended perfectly. End of story
shit band, shit vocals, shit reveiwer
I heard "Bleeding" and was looking forward to this album. Then I heard "My Judgement Day" began to cringe. Although I haven't heard the entire album, I would consider the latter track a weak point; shit is horrendous.
You're all a bunch of asses for giving out so many reviews without clips...sure your opinions are well-informed...but bottom line remains: I likes what I likes. Back up your arguments with clips
I saw these guys when I was 12 at my teen center and it was a charity show for some bears in Scotland. The money went for a trough for the bears to shit in so they didnt eat their own shit in some river. They showed me what hardcore was. Zoli is a genius and always gives a good message at every show. And hes like 40 and can bench press 2 Oprahs.
Anyone who bashes the vocals obviously knows nothing about good music. Let's face it, shitty screaming only gets you so far, and Zoli does the clean sung vocals extremely well. Far from whiney or annoying, this CD is awesome, and a refreshing change from the usual bullshit plaguing hardcore nowadays.
TheWood is a gay. great song, as are all of them. only sunday cover is out of place but f*ck it. gay.
Great f*cking album, even the whiny breakup song rocks. As for not experimenting...too many shit bands out there "experimenting" and creating garbage. I would rather a band nail their own style than to try something new and not quite nail it.
finally a hardcore record gets some love from this damn site.
SOLID f*cking record for those who like HARDCORE. cry about the vocals? you're ignorant. this shit is FUN and it KICKS ASS!
i know theres a band with vocals a lot like this. i can hear it in my head but i can't think who it is. WHO HAS VOCALS LIKE ZOLI?
Another band that makes me pro-abortion. Actually, this record is an abortion. After hearing this, I'm praying for nuclear holocaust, genocide, and bird flu to triumph. I'd even vote for another Bush if it meant this band couldn't record anything else.
stmpd! Could it be The Scorpions? Klaus Meine sounds a lot like Zoli. The music is different though... "Wind of Change"... Slumlords made a "great" cover of it. "Our darkest days" is a f*ckin great record. Ignite have improved so much in 10 years from weak to probably the world's best hardcoreband. I'd give this 9.5/10
yo u niggaz be trippin cuz u dont kno wud da hell yall even talkin bout. All dez hoes tryin to get all up on my dick and shyte...... all u are gonna die cuz u aint down wid da wicked clown shit ......f*ck yall niggaz ~~~
First.. sounds good, but the vocals.. not the best