stmpd! Could it be The Scorpions? Klaus Meine sounds a lot like Zoli. The music is different though... "Wind of Change"... Slumlords made a "great" cover of it.
"Our darkest days" is a f*ckin great record. Ignite have improved so much in 10 years from weak to probably the world's best hardcoreband. I'd give this 9.5/10
stmpd! Could it be The Scorpions? Klaus Meine sounds a lot like Zoli. The music is different though... "Wind of Change"... Slumlords made a "great" cover of it. "Our darkest days" is a f*ckin great record. Ignite have improved so much in 10 years from weak to probably the world's best hardcoreband. I'd give this 9.5/10