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LOLZ comments

Poster_in_2000 10/28/2006 5:39:30 PM


Gay_Porn_Time_Kiddies 10/23/2006 11:27:35 AM

LOL at you slamming the Bengals and hating on them. Then Getting shown up in the same process.

chokeonmyknife 10/10/2006 5:28:22 PM

make your parents smile and slit your own throat.

deekismusic 10/6/2006 6:08:00 AM

im not THAT new nigga

endthisday 10/4/2006 4:36:57 AM

i want to kick you when you're down

Webnaster 9/12/2006 4:16:36 PM


Rick_Rueben 9/8/2006 2:38:12 PM

f*ck PIQUA!

rogerduhall 8/30/2006 8:41:36 PM

your mouth around my dick is no gimmick

rob_tcp 8/30/2006 11:37:36 AM

*controls none of the lotr risk board* -you

more_metal_than_you 8/30/2006 12:36:17 AM

hahahaa you sure are one ugly redheaded gay f*ck, arent ya????

borderjumpingn1ggerspic 8/27/2006 6:47:37 PM

you wish this was a gimmick

xcutyermulletx 8/16/2006 3:57:10 AM

ohio sucks and so do you, your a gay!!!

HAR_hAR 8/9/2006 12:46:14 AM

FIGHT ME YOU f*ckING pssy!

carveyournamein 8/3/2006 12:35:45 AM

fight me at a show in a gutted out house from hurricane katrina

terrorxshark 7/31/2006 12:14:02 PM


westmemphisthree 7/27/2006 12:17:55 AM

your tenacity is admirable, my friend.

din 7/19/2006 12:12:17 AM

your sister is hot

lolz 7/19/2006 12:02:48 AM

the goater with the biggest c-ck :)

sanseverything 7/15/2006 9:10:20 PM

starter of good thread, he is

sick_d00d 7/8/2006 5:25:15 PM

doesnt like animosity, automatically means he sucks

Hexagram 6/18/2006 11:06:56 PM

i like yooz.

yeahdude 6/8/2006 1:07:23 AM

good dood for sure.

djbrokeback 6/6/2006 12:38:28 AM

g00d d00d.....SLAYER!!! \m/

robert_e_lee 5/14/2006 10:27:06 PM


ckk 5/14/2006 2:44:54 PM

there must be a troy in every state? No?