you seem to have a genuine issue with me that goes beyond the internet. Why don't you contact me outside of this board and we can actually discuss you're issue. I don't even really know you. No drama, just get in touch ...I just prefer to man up and discuss real life issues.
you are a f*cking waste of human flesh. I hope your parents die in a flaming car wreck so that you don't have the luxury of an open casket funeral for them. i sure wish this person wasn't joking
you are a f*cking waste of human flesh. I hope your parents die in a flaming car wreck so that you don't have the luxury of an open casket funeral for them.
dont do drugs or you will be a shitty poster like me.
so you are saying to disagree, you must indiscriminately talk trash?
a god amongst men. king of kings. bow down to the almighty maroof
second best goater here. solid dude. dont know hes still got me banned on soulseek
I've never given this dude a comment. Here you go, duderoof
remember when you used to call me? where's the love now?
ma roof, ma roof, maroof is a gay.