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The Vanflip Podcast: #29 Will Putney of END & Fit For An Autopsy

Thursday, June 11, 2020 4:27 PM PT
Will Putney is a New Jersy based Music Producer (Graphic Nature Audio) who spent the last hand full of years recording some of the scene's best bands (Every Time I Die, Knocked Loose, Thy Art Is Murder, etc to name a few). However, Will also plays guitar in Fit For an Autopsy, and more recently in the heavy metalcore "Super Group" END alongside Brendan Murphy and Billy Rymer. END just released their latest album, "Splinters from an Ever-Changing Face" on Closed Casket Activities. For more on Will & His Work: TWITTER: https://twitter.com/willputney IG: https://www.instagram.com/willputney/ IG: https://www.instagram.com/yourfuckingend/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/listentoend/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForAnAutopsyOfficial/ WEBSITE: https://www.graphicnatureaudio.com/ Follow Lurk: http://www.instagram.com/lurkcity http://www.twitter.com/lurkcity http://www.iamlurk.com Follow Lambgoat: http://www.twitter.com/lambgoat/ http://www.instagram.com/lambgoat/ http://facebook.com/lambgoatmusic LG's New Metal Monthly Spotify Playlist: http://bit.ly/LGNMPlaylist Subscribe / Stream "The Vanflip Podcast" on: iTunes/Apple: http://bit.ly/iTunesVFPodcast Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyVFPodcast Stitcher Radio: http://bit.ly/StitcherVFPodcast TuneIn: http://bit.ly/TuneinVFPodcast Google Play Music: http://bit.ly/GPMVFPodcast RSS Feed: http://bit.ly/RssVFPodcast