NewsDecember 14, 2007 12:43 PM ET9,569 views

Nodes Of Ranvier breaking up

Following two cancelled tours and a host of rumors, the writing is on the wall: Nodes Of Ranvier is breaking up. The group will apparently play their final show on December 31st at the Ramkota Exhibit Hall in Sioux Falls, SD. During a recent conversation with Robert Morast of the Link blog, Nodes guitarist Jon Parker said, "I don't think anybody will be too surprised about this... I don’t know if I'm sad or if I feel free. This wasn't a decision that we made overnight." You can read the entire piece here. Formed in 2000, the South Dakota band has released albums with Victory Records and Facedown Records.


Post Comment

brassknuckleromance 12/14/2007 9:48:33 AM

first post

ofgo 12/14/2007 9:49:09 AM

damn.. -1 shitty metalcore band

tardarm 12/14/2007 9:57:13 AM

good news

theeyesofgod 12/14/2007 10:08:16 AM

it's about time they realized that their band, although sort of knoiwn, was getting them no where. Time to get a real job and make money

use_the_back_door 12/14/2007 10:12:40 AM

i dont know why they even were a band in the 1st place. great news

slaytyricon 12/14/2007 10:15:10 AM

*borat voice* HIGH FIVE!!!!!

ckk 12/14/2007 10:17:34 AM

thier break up only means that the 5 members are goign to go on to make even shittier bands. instead of keeping these gays in one band their goign to spread like a disease

vdburns 12/14/2007 10:24:01 AM

Nudes of Rainman.

michAel_richardS_Secret 12/14/2007 10:42:04 AM

yessssssssssss gays

rocksteady 12/14/2007 10:43:29 AM

i support this news.

fvckyouyoufvckingfvck 12/14/2007 10:50:52 AM


truthsayer 12/14/2007 11:00:27 AM

rocksteady 12/14/2007 10:43:29 AM i support this news.

ikillinmydreams 12/14/2007 11:10:07 AM

awesome news.

ese_bauber 12/14/2007 11:11:42 AM

They must have had some kind of communication problems after losing their myelin. BUM DUM CSH!

rick_tocchet 12/14/2007 11:32:45 AM

no care ever

Get_Some 12/14/2007 11:41:22 AM

Victory Records...YES!

din 12/14/2007 11:45:10 AM

it's for the best

rob_mcfeters 12/14/2007 11:47:01 AM

boo hoo gives a fck

_mapexdrummer_ 12/14/2007 12:02:42 PM

i still put money on them getting back together. hasn't this happened numerous times already?

mht 12/14/2007 12:49:13 PM

My Bitter End syndrome.

shaihulud2k1 12/14/2007 1:11:57 PM

i could have swore this happened already

xshekilledmyheartx 12/14/2007 1:16:08 PM

omg!!!! it's about time!!! .... a couple of years too late though`

zero_x_potential 12/14/2007 1:27:58 PM

i found out about this band on the goat. early stuff was good, later stuff was meh

scaggs 12/14/2007 1:34:49 PM

stay together for the kids!

titsmcgee 12/14/2007 1:38:46 PM

Wow it's about time

damnationsvirtue 12/14/2007 1:43:42 PM

its about fcking time....fck!

thevenaedge 12/14/2007 1:50:59 PM

a+ post

bombs_away 12/14/2007 1:57:51 PM

praise the lord

swellsucka 12/14/2007 2:32:16 PM

Good. Shit band. Shit news.

little_alex_fts 12/14/2007 2:38:03 PM

victory killing yet another clueless band

nobleeding 12/14/2007 2:42:03 PM

May the gods finally be with you and guide you into the light. For you have finally been set free and leave us with less misery. Amen.

likeatonabricks 12/14/2007 3:07:23 PM

ckk 12/14/2007 10:17:34 AM thier break up only means that the 5 members are goign to go on to make even shittier bands. instead of keeping these gays in one band their goign to spread like a disease. TRUTH.

stopthefaggotry 12/14/2007 3:35:38 PM

good guys, total bummer. victory records is like what abacus records was...a place where bands go to die.

Fur_Beach 12/14/2007 3:37:45 PM

Loads of Reindeer

forumdrama 12/14/2007 4:21:26 PM

Yeah.. it was about time it happened. That's what they get for going with Victory.

danosaur 12/14/2007 4:34:49 PM

ese_bauber 12/14/2007 11:11:42 AM They must have had some kind of communication problems after losing their myelin. BUM DUM CSH! i chuckled.

WaytooDeath 12/14/2007 4:35:00 PM

meh boring band.

lxresist 12/14/2007 4:52:14 PM

38th post shit band no care

chas 12/14/2007 5:05:29 PM

they broke up because no one cares about them anymore.

Paul514 12/14/2007 5:07:32 PM

Props to this band , i liked the first 2 records but havn't really followed up since .

I_Wear_Norma_Jeans 12/14/2007 5:50:54 PM

Victory signs With Honor and they break-up(?), signs Comeback Kid and their momentum slows to a screeching halt to what they used to be, Sinai Beach broke-up(?).

Flamboyant_Cowboy 12/14/2007 6:00:15 PM

The Gods have answered my prayers.

onemoremotherfucker 12/14/2007 6:13:32 PM

ese_bauber 12/14/2007 11:11:42 AM They must have had some kind of communication problems after losing their myelin. BUM DUM CSH! i always wanted to find a way to correlate bad metal to a degenerative brain disorder

onemoremotherfucker 12/14/2007 6:16:00 PM

oh...and THIS JUST IN: Victory Records decides to change name. Now called Out to Pasture Records.

stopthefaggotry 12/14/2007 6:43:27 PM

So, a lot of bands that were ok or good have broken up or had lots of trouble with victory. why can't across five beatrils just break up already, to balance out some of the other bands.

grudgeagainstastranger 12/14/2007 7:06:24 PM

SoDAK's one claim to fame.

Fraility 12/14/2007 7:34:00 PM

I enjoyed this band, any other day for a last show and i'd make the hour 45 min drive, but no way in hell i'm going on New Years Eve. ohwell, better luck next time jackass'sssssssssssss!!!

ELpants 12/14/2007 7:57:08 PM

Bummer, Kinda like their stuff.

fnffishcore 12/14/2007 8:40:13 PM

Fur_Beach 12/14/2007 3:37:45 PM Loads of Reindeer <<< I was thinking "Choads of Reindeer".

chas 12/14/2007 9:23:36 PM


friends 12/14/2007 9:24:56 PM


ass_shit 12/14/2007 9:27:28 PM

Well, at least they knew that they were no good

sgd54 12/14/2007 10:33:55 PM

Everyone in that final lineup of Nodes of Ranver was/is still sXe, right?

xithyl 12/14/2007 10:34:10 PM

one less shitty band inevitably replaced by 400 more.

sgd54 12/14/2007 10:35:48 PM

Maybe they'll just branch out and get into other types of music other than hardcore. Believe it or not that can happen.

Cocaine_and_anal_sex 12/15/2007 12:02:34 AM

*pulls penis out of NOR's ass* *comes on all the bandmembers* you are no good to me anymore. -tony brummel

j33bus 12/15/2007 10:46:12 AM

chas 12/14/2007 9:23:36 PM SATAN 1 GOD 0 lol

demise 12/15/2007 2:26:25 PM


feastondeadgirls 12/15/2007 2:47:23 PM

But they are essential for the process of saltatory conduction, noew how will nervous impulses be relayed????

thorgasm 12/15/2007 4:29:27 PM

late post. lol at dude above me.

severedIntwo 12/15/2007 4:48:52 PM

good. they finally made a good decision for once

cnnole 12/15/2007 9:02:27 PM

never heard this band but victory is shit

baobab 12/15/2007 10:38:50 PM


johio 12/16/2007 5:47:32 AM

didn't they break up before? like a year or so ago?

le_cunt 12/16/2007 12:02:55 PM

great news!

Dave2112 12/16/2007 12:55:02 PM

stopthegayry good guys, total bummer. victory records is like what abacus records was...a place where bands go to die. ...What? Shut up, this band sucked, no label could save this shit.

eos_emissio 12/17/2007 5:37:22 PM

Very good news.

appreesh 12/18/2007 10:37:51 PM

"I don’t know if I'm sad or if I feel free" well i know what i feellllll! later nads of reindeer.

dracula 12/19/2007 1:16:15 AM

feeble minds, everyone shares the same standard opinion about everything. I'll remain indifferent, they were around way before the bandwagon arrived. Good run

chromecorridors 12/19/2007 11:42:03 AM

remember that first vocalist that made their band known as NOSE of ranvier? jesus christ.

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