Post Commentassultcrew 10/31/2007 10:08:56 AM Good. Your band sucks anyways. you're wrong.
no hes right and your garbage metalcore band sucks too. just end it already.
stupid when bands cancel whole tours for this shit, family emergency? What can be so crazy that this needs full attention. fck if it's a death, you only need 1 day off to go to the funeral.
If he found out his sister is fcking and got preggers by a camel or something, idk that's fcked up but not something to cancel a tour over.... but who cares shit band anyway
"We were all looking forward to this tour more than anyone"-no doubt about that.
do everyone a favor and cancel every tour you book. people honestly wouldnt mind cause your band fcking sucks.
"Nodes Of Ranvier drops off touring and quits music." Is what i'd rather see.
they should just break up anyways they suck now
Nodes of Ranvier realizes they suck, go back to writing and touring for The Blinding Light--->would shit pants
thclimax 10/31/2007 11:35:02 AM "We were all looking forward to this tour more than anyone"-no doubt about that.
Nowonmai 10/31/2007 4:14:05 PM Nodes of Ranvier realizes they suck, go back to writing and touring for The Blinding Light--->would shit pants i second this
awww shit... there goes the whole tour... what will the world be from now on.
they say "make it up to all of you" as if we are saddened.
I thought this was a Radiohead fan site. What the fck is this?
this whole tour should call it quits.then get together stand in a circle,with guns and shoot the person to the right
sweet this just became a little better tour!
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Good. Your band sucks anyways.