NewsAugust 31, 2007 12:46 PM ET15,342 views

Underoath, Poison The Well, ETID tour

Dates have been confirmed for the upcoming Underoath, Poison The Well, Every Time I Die, and Maylene and the Sons of Disaster tour. Here's the schedule: 9/22 Houston, TX @ Verizon Wireless Theatre 9/23 San Antonio, TX @ White Rabbit 9/24 Austin, TX @ La Zona Rosa 9/25 Dallas, TX @ Palladium Ballroom 9/26 Tulsa, OK @ Cain’s Ballroom 9/28 Tempe, AZ @ Marquee Theatre 9/29 Irivne, CA @ Cornerstone Festival - Oak Canyon Ranch 9/30 Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues Las Vegas 10/1 Tuscon, AZ @ Rialto Theatre 10/3 San Diego, CA @ SOMA 10/5 Los Angeles, CA @ The Wiltern LG 10/6 Bakersfield, CA @ The Dome 10/7 San Francisco, CA @ Warfield Theatre 10/9 Portland, OR @ Roseland Theatre 10/10 Seattle, WA @ Showbox SoDo 10/11 Boise, ID @ The Big Easy 10/12 Salt Lake City, UT @ In The Venue 10/13 Denver, CO @ The Fillmore Auditorium 10/15 Kansas City, MO @ Beaumont Club 10/16 Sauget, IL @ Pops 10/18 St. Paul, MN @ The Myth 10/19 Chicago, IL @ Riviera Theatre 10/20 Detroit, MI @ The Fillmore Detroit 10/21 Cleveland, OH @ House of Blues 10/23 Buffalo, NY @ Evolution 10/24 New York, NY @ Nokia Theatre, Times Square 10/25 Sayreville, NJ @ Starland Ballroom 10/26 Worcester, MA @ Palladium 10/28 Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory 10/29 Washington DC @ 930 Club 10/30 Baltimore, MD @ Ram's Head Live! 11/1 Norfolk, VA @ NorVa 11/5 Tallahassee, FL @ The Moon 11/6 Lake Buena Vista, FL @ House of Blues


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myeyeshavevisualAIDS 8/31/2007 9:53:49 AM

pursed foest

Brett_Swill 8/31/2007 9:57:35 AM

Holy suck Batman!

GOKILLYOURSELF 8/31/2007 10:02:27 AM

Hot Topic Tour 07

weaponben 8/31/2007 10:04:23 AM

fcking hell, i wish that would come to the UK!

ikillinmydreams 8/31/2007 10:08:42 AM

mad bitches!

zero_x_potential 8/31/2007 10:11:59 AM

Awesome tour five years ago

imalright 8/31/2007 10:16:54 AM


believeyoume 8/31/2007 10:27:30 AM

holy scenest tour ever

SOME_KIND_OF_PALSY 8/31/2007 10:29:45 AM

holy gay.

devilondemand 8/31/2007 10:31:20 AM


deadwithfear 8/31/2007 10:34:22 AM

this sounds like something that would have happened 5 years ago

neighbordave 8/31/2007 10:37:34 AM

ahahahahahahaha at least ETID owns

tardarm 8/31/2007 10:59:43 AM

why is etid wasting there time with these shit bands

xXNoob_FaggotXx 8/31/2007 11:04:12 AM

Sweet, Underoath is headlining!

everytimeicry 8/31/2007 11:07:22 AM

Mother of god....

blowtheirbrainsout 8/31/2007 11:35:54 AM

the big dollas tour 07

mofugger69 8/31/2007 11:40:28 AM

awesome.... you haters are gay as fck, get a life.

mht 8/31/2007 11:57:41 AM

poison the well shit band needs to let since by man get back together..

bearclawrawr 8/31/2007 12:05:20 PM

I'd only see underoath again if Dallas was singing

emoxfag 8/31/2007 12:13:40 PM

man i would have cared about this tour in like 2000. even then i wouldn't really have. al bands included are yawn fest.

justhaveheart 8/31/2007 12:18:17 PM

snorefest '07

forumdrama 8/31/2007 12:30:45 PM

PTW should be opening this tour, no one gives a fck about em now and they've been sucking for the majority of their existence. Other than that, I could give a shit less...

gglives 8/31/2007 12:46:29 PM

I would rather get fcked in the ass my a nail-studded bat than have to even listen to the conversations of the fcking retards standing out in front of the venue.

YouAreSceneAsFuck 8/31/2007 12:49:35 PM

Poison The Well is a lot of fun.

gozer 8/31/2007 1:31:33 PM

why arent these shows at bigger venues? every day is gonna sell out i nthe first hour.

threexs 8/31/2007 1:31:59 PM

ETID and PTW = attendence

warrmy 8/31/2007 1:34:42 PM

i've seen all these bands live before back when they were awesome/relevent in much smaller venues with way less gays

RonAfrica 8/31/2007 1:35:07 PM

no atlanta date? this city is scene as fck, theyd make a killing!

Fur_Beach 8/31/2007 1:36:29 PM

quick put on your ripped jeans and cowboy button up shirts

xnotsoedgex 8/31/2007 1:40:07 PM

gays will be running wild...

xSeanHannityx 8/31/2007 2:05:57 PM

zero_x_potential 8/31/2007 10:11:59 AM Awesome tour five years ago

danofthedead 8/31/2007 2:10:02 PM


xshekilledmyheartx 8/31/2007 3:53:26 PM

ahhh dude, nice i am there

get__offyourcross 8/31/2007 4:03:07 PM

will be there 10/23

carnivoresince84 8/31/2007 4:15:33 PM

cut the hair...put on some man pants...drop the animal rights crap...then maybe i'll see these bands...

KillaKam_216 8/31/2007 4:25:20 PM

good lineup.

auspex 8/31/2007 6:51:42 PM

fck the myth, anyone from the Twin Cities who goes to this is contributing to the suburbs stealing our music.

xBILLfromsteinx 8/31/2007 11:28:24 PM

underoath is still a band?

bloodofthewicked 8/31/2007 11:32:01 PM

Only one of those bands I have ANY interest in seeing is Maylene and the Sons of Disaster. But not at the price of a ticket to the Nokia Theatre.. But at least its not at BB Kings.

xBILLfromsteinx 8/31/2007 11:34:20 PM

danofthedead> FIGHT ME IN KANSAS CITY ON MY 24TH BIRTHDAY. 10/15........ no problem. there'll be two hits. me hitting you and you hitting the floor.... GEEZER

seriously_now_come_on 8/31/2007 11:34:49 PM

fck these bands and fck their retarded goddamn gay fans.

scaggs 9/1/2007 1:51:16 AM

shitty new album tour 07

iamthearm 9/1/2007 3:00:55 AM

gay tour 2000gay

blueboggin 9/1/2007 7:08:40 AM

advent are on a handful of these dates

jessecuster 9/1/2007 11:52:12 AM

this tour is going to make billions

faggotbandnocareever 9/1/2007 6:22:54 PM

The "All the Trendy kids used to like us for two seconds now they hate us tour." Yes, I'm talking about you! Queer.

faerie 9/2/2007 3:38:00 PM

ETID and Poison the Well > YES Underoath > NO ever heard of cananda?

xvegeedgex 9/2/2007 3:56:34 PM

Dallas and Spencer will fight eachother for guest vocals on each of their bands sets!

dwelch 9/3/2007 9:20:41 PM

lets hate everything

solaceinviolence 9/4/2007 8:48:51 AM

way NOT to have an Atlanta date gays. for the record i only care/want to see this so i can remember what it's like to be 23 again

bigpops0403 9/4/2007 4:00:35 PM

Gonna be a sick ass muthafcking tour

Turd_Ferguson 9/4/2007 10:16:55 PM

Bad ass, except for underoath. They are just homo.

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