Post Commentfcking hell, i wish that would come to the UK!
this sounds like something that would have happened 5 years ago
why is etid wasting there time with these shit bands
awesome.... you haters are gay as fck, get a life.
poison the well shit band needs to let since by man get back together..
I'd only see underoath again if Dallas was singing
man i would have cared about this tour in like 2000. even then i wouldn't really have. al bands included are yawn fest.
PTW should be opening this tour, no one gives a fck about em now and they've been sucking for the majority of their existence. Other than that, I could give a shit less...
I would rather get fcked in the ass my a nail-studded bat than have to even listen to the conversations of the fcking retards standing out in front of the venue.
why arent these shows at bigger venues? every day is gonna sell out i nthe first hour.
i've seen all these bands live before back when they were awesome/relevent in much smaller venues with way less gays
no atlanta date? this city is scene as fck, theyd make a killing!
quick put on your ripped jeans and cowboy button up shirts
zero_x_potential 8/31/2007 10:11:59 AM Awesome tour five years ago
cut the hair...put on some man pants...drop the animal rights crap...then maybe i'll see these bands...
fck the myth, anyone from the Twin Cities who goes to this is contributing to the suburbs stealing our music.
Only one of those bands I have ANY interest in seeing is Maylene and the Sons of Disaster. But not at the price of a ticket to the Nokia Theatre.. But at least its not at BB Kings.
danofthedead> FIGHT ME IN KANSAS CITY ON MY 24TH BIRTHDAY. 10/15........ no problem. there'll be two hits. me hitting you and you hitting the floor.... GEEZER
fck these bands and fck their retarded goddamn gay fans.
advent are on a handful of these dates myspace.com/adventnc
The "All the Trendy kids used to like us for two seconds now they hate us tour." Yes, I'm talking about you! Queer.
ETID and Poison the Well > YES Underoath > NO ever heard of cananda?
Dallas and Spencer will fight eachother for guest vocals on each of their bands sets!
way NOT to have an Atlanta date gays. for the record i only care/want to see this so i can remember what it's like to be 23 again
Bad ass, except for underoath. They are just homo.
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