NewsApril 26, 2007 7:33 PM ET8,299 views

Blacklisted and Cold World dates

Blacklisted, Cold World, and Living Hell will be touring together briefly in July. Here are the dates: 7/20 Columbus, OH @ Bernies Distillery w/ Rzl Dzl, Weedsteeler 7/22 Kansas City, MO @ The Anchor w/ Living Hell, Bullyrag, Nervous Wreck 7/23 Tulsa, OK @ Pinkeye w/ Living Hell 7/24 Dallas, TX @ Redblood w/ Living Hell, Have Heart, Soul Control, Sinking Ships 7/25 San Antonio, TX @ Scooby's w/ Lie and Wait 7/26 Phoenix, AZ @ The One Place 7/27-29 Ventura, CA @ Sound and Fury Fest


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jrizzy 4/26/2007 4:35:06 PM

pirst fost

ttcpgh 4/26/2007 4:37:02 PM

first first post

Raw_Mike 4/26/2007 4:50:37 PM

Interesting. I thought there was beef between members at some point.

ryansmithxvx 4/26/2007 5:12:35 PM

they seem to be attempting to play the smallest spaces possible in each town, so that everyone can barely fit in. while shows like that can be a blast, it's an interesting tour strategy

some_kind_of_palsy 4/26/2007 5:14:33 PM

no NY, no care

advocate 4/26/2007 6:05:11 PM

another tour to up the egos of jersey wearing gays.

swampthang 4/26/2007 6:18:01 PM

THE HAVE HEAR AND SINKING SHIPS SHOW WOULD BE COOL. But since i live a few 1000 miles away ill have to skip it!!!!!!

swampthang 4/26/2007 6:20:32 PM

oops forgot the T

youisretarded 4/26/2007 6:42:24 PM

This tour was bound to happen at some point...damn, has it really been a year since the last sound and fury? time flies

SirMoshALOT 4/26/2007 6:45:07 PM

The Dallas date will be the show of the summer. Check out Lie and Wait, band rules.

xvegeedgex 4/26/2007 7:55:22 PM

7/24 totally there.

whatswrongwithme 4/27/2007 9:05:51 AM

o fck yes... randomly coming to KC

xjaggedvisionsx 4/27/2007 10:20:36 AM

no denver, no care

vdburns 4/27/2007 2:22:07 PM

Dude, who even wears jerseys? This isn't the mid to late 90s and Fury of Five isn't playing. I think kids who like bree bullshit have bigger egos.......

vtacore 4/28/2007 1:10:09 AM

advocate 4/26/2007 6:05:11 PM another tour to up the egos of jersey wearing gays.// i dont know how how things are we you live, but thats not what its like in California... anyway, this tour will be cool.. Ventura, CA best place for shows.

radbull 4/28/2007 9:21:51 PM

blackworld and cold listed

radbull 4/28/2007 9:22:27 PM

put throwdown on the tour and i might show up

ratm6810 5/2/2007 7:58:09 PM

haha... throwdown??? yaaa good one brosef! they suck even more than the current bands. wow these little kids these days. BRODOWN!

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