Post CommentInteresting. I thought there was beef between members at some point.
they seem to be attempting to play the smallest spaces possible in each town, so that everyone can barely fit in. while shows like that can be a blast, it's an interesting tour strategy
another tour to up the egos of jersey wearing gays.
THE HAVE HEAR AND SINKING SHIPS SHOW WOULD BE COOL. But since i live a few 1000 miles away ill have to skip it!!!!!!
This tour was bound to happen at some point...damn, has it really been a year since the last sound and fury? time flies
The Dallas date will be the show of the summer. Check out Lie and Wait, band rules.
Dude, who even wears jerseys? This isn't the mid to late 90s and Fury of Five isn't playing. I think kids who like bree bullshit have bigger egos.......
advocate 4/26/2007 6:05:11 PM another tour to up the egos of jersey wearing gays.// i dont know how how things are we you live, but thats not what its like in California... anyway, this tour will be cool.. Ventura, CA best place for shows.
haha... throwdown??? yaaa good one brosef! they suck even more than the current bands. wow these little kids these days. BRODOWN!
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