Dates and venues for the Bloodjinn and Caliban tour have been finalized (with the exception of one show). The tour kicks off this weekend in New England. Here's the schedule:
9/1 New London CT @ El-N-Gee w/ Blood Has Been Shed, Nientara, more
9/2 Old Bridge NJ @ M&M Hall w/ This Day Forward, A Life Once Lost, more
9/3 Baltimore MD @ The Side Bar Tavern w/ Age Of Ruin, more
9/5 Greenville NC @ Backdoor Skatepark w/ Seven Ton Diesel, Heartscarved
9/6 Princeton WV @ Princeton Rec Center w/ Darkness Remains, more
9/7 Charleston WV @ American Legion w/ Holden Caulfield, more
9/8 Detroit MI @ Detroit Contemporary w/ Hyde, Premonitions Of War, more
9/9 Milwaulkee WI @ The Logemann Center w/ 7 Angels 7 Plagues, more
9/10 Carmel IN @ Woodgate Clubhouse w/ local bands
9/11 Cincinatti OH @ Norwood American Legion w/ Apathemy, more
9/12 TBA
9/13 Cleveland OH @ Speak In Tongues w/ local bands
9/14 Parkersburg WV @ Caffeine Kelli's w/ As Friends Rust, Keepsake, more
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#173 - Ray Harkins of Taken/Bloodguilt

#172 - Greg Burgess of Allegaeon