Post Commentaw man im so broken up over this inconsequential bullshit
hopefully bridge 9 picks em up in the continuance of them signing good bands.
any record label who passes this band up is fcking stupid
This will come out on Bridge 9, or possibly Deathwish, for sure.
They should sign with Victory so they can gay it up on tour with Silverstein.
why are people saying labels that ruiner cant get on now do people think that labels just let bands go for no reason
I love this band. Best band in hardcore right now. I have been waiting for the new record for too long. Lambgoat Records should sign them!
maybe the new record sucks hard and 1917 didn't wanna put it out. i loved the last one though.
victory?!? so you want this band to turn to shit and get totally robbed in the process?
Lambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat RecordsLambgoat Records
as hard working and talented as these dudes are...if I owned a label, I'd snatch them up before someone else gets on this...
mad people/labels back this band, blow up baltimore, blow up!
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