Post Commentyeah, are they fcked up loser fundamentalist creationists like the rest of facedown? facedown is a fcking joke, fck this label, fck their politics, fck their religion, and fck every band on their stupid piece of shit roster...except figure 4.
label was already shit, so you can't go to shit when you were already there...
it honestly sounds better than flee the seen or whatever that other band is called.
i love the hipocrisy in xjaggedvisionsx's post....fck the label fck the bands, fck this fck that oh yeah except figure 4.
These cats are actually personal friends of mine, and they're all really down to earth, non-judgmental, and humble. It's a rare thing to find in a Christian, and hopefully people learn from their example.
I love Means. Great band, fun to watch, and the nicest guys you will ever meet.
And on the 7th day jesus said let there be post christ core and there was
I dig it actually dig it. I like the direction Facedown is going in signing their bands.
Some of the best bands are keen on Jesus, though can't say I'm keen on Facedown's non-mosh output, the latter best summed up as 'lolz gays'
facedown has signed this band about a dozen times. The same formula: clean guitar parts, "pretty" singing...then the massive chug that makes me cringe. I stopped caring about facedown about 3 years ago. 99% is shit except Figure Four
its hard to be a humble christian, when you lie to people about things you know nothing about, I bet most all of the facedown people are meth-smoking homosexuals.
when i think of facedown I dont think of integrity, I think of morons who are dying to keep this chugchug shit going...get over it, it's dead...move on...
hometown boys. i didnt know they were christian though. fck them.
^^they probably weren't a christian band until they had a chance to 'sign' with facedown...
BOOOO! dont even have to talk shit about facedown, shockwave is cool (thats it!) the end.
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Instead of moshing it up for JC we can emote in his name instead. Facedown is full of shit christcore moshmoshmosh bullshit. Way to "expand".